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Question Number 214888 by Emmanuel07 last updated on 22/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Dec/24

i got  a_n =cot {[(1/( (√5)))(tan^(−1) 2−((3π)/8))+(π/8)](((1−(√5))/2))^n −[(1/( (√5)))(tan^(−1) 2−((3π)/8))−(π/8)](((1+(√5))/2))^n }  which delivers:  a_0 =1  a_1 =2  a_2 =(1/3)  a_3 =−(1/7)  a_4 =−((11)/2)  a_5 =(3/(79))  ......


Commented by mr W last updated on 23/Dec/24

has somebody got a more simple  formula for a_n  in terms of n?


Answered by maths2 last updated on 23/Dec/24

a_(n+1) =((a_n a_(n−1) −1)/(a_n +a_(n−1) ))  a_n =cot(b_n )⇒cot(b_(n+1) )=((cot(b_n )cot(b_(n−1) )−1)/(cot(b_n )+cot(b_(n−1) )))=  cot(b_n +b_(n−1) )⇒b_(n+1) =b_n +b_(n−1)   b_(n+1) −b_n −b_(n−1) =0  b_0 =(π/4);b_1 =cot^(−1) (2)


Answered by mr W last updated on 24/Dec/24

a_(n−1) a_n −a_(n−1) a_(n+1) =1+a_n a_(n+1)   a_(n−1) (a_n −a_(n+1) )=1+a_n a_(n+1)   ((1+a_n a_(n+1) )/(a_n −a_(n+1) ))=a_(n−1)   let a_n =cot θ_n   ((1+cot θ_n cot θ_(n+1) )/(cot θ_n −cot θ_(n+1) ))=cot θ_(n−1)   cot (θ_(n+1) −θ_n )=cot θ_(n−1)   ⇒θ_(n+1) −θ_n =θ_(n−1)    ⇒θ_(n+1) −θ_n −θ_(n−1) =0   ← Fibonacci  r^2 −r−1=0  ⇒r=((1±(√5))/2)  ⇒θ_n =A(((1+(√5))/2))^n +B(((1−(√5))/2))^n   θ_0 =A+B=cot^(−1) a_0 =cot^(−1) 1=(π/4)  ⇒((A+B)/2)=(π/8)  θ_1 =((A+B)/2)+(( (√5)(A−B))/2)=cot^(−1) a_1 =cot^(−1) 2  ⇒(( A−B)/2)=(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))  ⇒A=(π/8)+(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))  ⇒B=(π/8)−(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))  ⇒θ_n =[(π/8)+(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))](((1+(√5))/2))^n +[(π/8)−(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))](((1−(√5))/2))^n   ⇒a_n =cot {[(π/8)+(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))](((1+(√5))/2))^n +[(π/8)−(1/( (√5)))(cot^(−1) 2−(π/8))](((1−(√5))/2))^n }


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Dec/24

(a_(n−1) /a_(n+1) )−(a_(n−1) /a_n )=(1/(a_n a_(n+1) +1))  (1/r^2 )−(1/r)=(1/(r^3 +1))  (r^3 +1)(1−r)=r^2   r^4 −r^3 +r^2 +r−1=0  (r^2 −(1/r^2 ))−(r−(1/r))=−1  say tbe two real roots are r_1  & r_2 .  a_n =Ar_1 ^n +Br_2 ^n   can we do this?  i′ve forgotten this  sequence and series topic. been 20y.


Commented by mr W last updated on 24/Dec/24

no sir.  if we assume a_n =Ar^n   (a_(n−1) /a_(n+1) )−(a_(n−1) /a_n )=(1/(a_n a_(n+1) +1))  ⇒((Ar^(n−1) )/(Ar^(n+1) ))−((Ar^(n−1) )/(Ar^n ))=(1/(A^2 r^(2n+1) +1))  ⇒(1/r^2 )−(1/r)=(1/(A^2 r^(2n+1) +1))   !!!  we can′t find r which is independent  from n and A.  that means a_n  can not be expressed   as type Ar^n .  generally characteristic equation  exists only for linear recurrence  relations  a_n =c_1 a_(n−1) +c_2 a_(n−2) +...+c_k a_(n−k)   with c_i =constants.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Dec/24

Thanks, i ll revise.


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