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Question Number 215126 by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/24

Commented by Ghisom last updated on 29/Dec/24

L must be horizontal for r → max  or am I missing something?


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/24

an uniform rod with length L  rests inclined in a slippery parabolic  cup as shown.  find the radius of the largest circle  which can be placed under the rod.


Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Dec/24

the question requests “inclined”  position of the rod.


Answered by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 31/Dec/24

let′s look at the general case   y=(x^2 /k) with k=1 or not  say A(−p, (p^2 /k))  B(q, (q^2 /k))  if p=q=(L/2), the rod rests horizontally.  for inclined positions of rod, p≠q.  tan φ=−(dy/dx)=((2p)/k)  tan ϕ=(dy/dx)=((2q)/k)  α=(π/2)−φ−θ  β=(π/2)−ϕ+θ  ((sin α)/(sin φ))=((DC)/(AC))=((DC)/(BC))=((sin β)/(sin ϕ))  ((cos (φ+θ))/(sin φ))=((cos (ϕ−θ))/(sin ϕ))  ((1−tan φ tan θ)/(tan φ))=((1+tan ϕ tan θ)/(tan ϕ))  ⇒tan θ=(1/2)((1/(tan φ))−(1/(tan ϕ)))=(k/4)((1/p)−(1/q))=((k(q−p))/(4pq))  on the other side  tan θ=((q^2 −p^2 )/(k(q+p)))=((q−p)/k)  ((q−p)/k)=((k(q−p))/(4pq))  since q≠p,  ⇒pq=(k^2 /4)   ...(i)  say m=tan θ  ⇒q−p=mk   ...(ii)  q, −p are roots of  z^2 −mkz−(k^2 /4)=0  ⇒q=(k/2)((√(1+m^2 ))+m)  ⇒p=(k/2)((√(1+m^2 ))−m)  AB=(√((p+q)^2 +((q^2 /k)−(p^2 /k))^2 ))=L  (p+q)(√(1+(((q−p)/k))^2 ))=L  (p+q)(√(1+m^2 ))=L  k(1+m^2 )=L  ⇒1+m^2 =(L/k)  ⇒m=(√((L/k)−1)) >0 ⇒L>k  ⇒p=(k/2)((√(L/k))−(√((L/k)−1)))  ⇒q=(k/2)((√(L/k))+(√((L/k)−1)))  we can see  tan φ tan ϕ=((4pq)/k^2 )=(4/k^2 )×(k^2 /4)=1,  that means the tangent lines  (and also the normals) at the ends   of the rod are perpendicular to each  other.    eqn. of rod:  y=(p^2 /k)+(x+p)m  mx−y+(p^2 /k)+pm=0  ⇒mx−y+(k/4)=0    say the circle with radius r   tangents the parabola at S(s, (s^2 /k))  tan δ=(dy/dx)=((2s)/k)  G=center of circle  x_G =s−r sin δ=s−((2sr)/( (√(4s^2 +k^2 ))))  y_G =(s^2 /k)+r cos δ=(s^2 /k)+((kr)/( (√(4s^2 +k^2 ))))  r=((m(s−((2sr)/( (√(4s^2 +k^2 )))))−(s^2 /k)−((kr)/( (√(4s^2 +k^2 ))))+(k/4))/( (√(1+m^2 ))))  ((√(1+m^2 ))+((2ms+k)/( (√(4s^2 +k^2 )))))r=ms−(s^2 /k)+(k/4)  r=((ms−(s^2 /k)+(k/4))/( (√(1+m^2 ))+((2ms+k)/( (√(4s^2 +k^2 ))))))  (r/k)=((((ms)/k)−(s^2 /k^2 )+(1/4))/( (√(1+m^2 ))+((((2ms)/k)+1)/( (√(((4s^2 )/k^2 )+1))))))  let ξ=(s/k)  ⇒(r/k)=((mξ−ξ^2 +(1/4))/( (√(1+m^2 ))+((2mξ+1)/( (√(4ξ^2 +1))))))=f(ξ)  for maximum r, f′(ξ)=0    alternative way:  for maximum circle the tangent at  S(s, (s^2 /k)) must be parallel to the rod.  tan δ=((2s)/k)=m  ⇒s=((km)/2)  2r_(max) =((((km^2 )/2)−((k^2 m^2 )/(4k))+(k/4))/( (√(1+m^2 ))))=((k(√(1+m^2 )))/4)=((√(Lk))/4)  ⇒r_(max) =((√(Lk))/8)


Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/24

we see the similarity to the problem  discussed in Q215094:


Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 30/Dec/24

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