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Question Number 215340 by ppch145 last updated on 03/Jan/25

Commented by ppch145 last updated on 04/Jan/25

  Yes! Saving and exporting   ordinary equations always   get done successfully. In fact,   some of my drawings get   saved and exportable, but   why some just don′t is what I   don′t understand.    Please, how do I restore   storage permission, just in   case I′ve unknowingly   removed the permission?   Thanks a lot!


Commented by ppch145 last updated on 03/Jan/25

This drawing shown in the   screenshot above also failed to   get saved on my phone. It even   refused to be “exported as   image.” Is anyone   experiencing similar issue?   This is really frustrating!


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/25

i really don′t want to disencourage   you. this app is great for writting  formulas. but in respect to creating  mathematical diagrams and   drawings, it is by far not the best  and the most effective one, i mean  not yet. you can rarely find drawings  in this forum which are produced   with this app. just ask other people   what apps they use instead.   i personally use an app with the   name Grapher. you may find some  good examples in my recent posts.  GeoGebra is also a powerful app.  many people in this forum are   using it.  Ajfour sir is a great master who  makes excellent diagrams and  drawings. you may also ask him for  recommendation.


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 03/Jan/25

I am able to create and save.  What is the error that you get?


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 03/Jan/25

Please email us at We will surely investigate and fix the issue.

Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 03/Jan/25

Also are you able to save and export  equations that do not contain drawing.  You might have removed storage  permissions.


Commented by mr W last updated on 03/Jan/25

Dear Tiku Tara sir:  When a picture is worth a thousand  words, then it′s not so wrong to say  that a video (moving pictures) is   worth ten thousands words.Is it  intended that in near future the   forum can also support video   formats in the posts, or at least   animated gif images?


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 04/Jan/25

You can already post you tube video links. Do you want the ability to directly upload videos here?

Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/25

yes. i want to be able to post a video  or at least an animated gif image  as a “question” or as a “comment”.  for example the following image is  an animated gif image which shows  how the rod and the red point move.  but the app doesn′t display it as a   moving picture, but only as a static   picture without animation.


Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/25

Commented by mr W last updated on 04/Jan/25

when posting an animated gif   image, the function “Enable Crop”   could be deactived.


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 04/Jan/25

Understood. Will add this functionality next month

Commented by mr W last updated on 05/Jan/25

that will be a great improvement!  thanks alot sir!


Commented by ppch145 last updated on 04/Jan/25

  It doesn′t bring up any error   message. The “save” button   just refuses to work after being  clicked.


Commented by Tinku Tara last updated on 04/Jan/25

If save button does not work then try tapping on any line that does not contain drawing and then save. Let us know if that works. That will help us find the underlying issue. If you are able to save and export other equation then storage permission is not an issue. Also try clicking at the 3 dot top right corner and export image or try saving to file. Let us know what happens. We are not able to see this issue on our phones so need your input to troubleshoot

Commented by ppch145 last updated on 04/Jan/25

  Thanks tremendously, dear   “mr W”, for responding to   my pressing issue. I quite   appreciate it, together with   your recommendations.   Cheers!


Commented by ppch145 last updated on 04/Jan/25

Okay, thanks for your   prompt response. Give me   some time to implemeut your   recommendations. I′ll get   back to you with outcome(s)   soon. Thanks once again for   your spontaneous response. I   feel great using your app!


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