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Question Number 215789 by universe last updated on 18/Jan/25

Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Jan/25

Answered by mr W last updated on 18/Jan/25

Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Jan/25

radius of cylinder r=1  radius of sphere R=2r=2  ρ=2r cos (θ/2)  ϕ=(θ/2)  R cos φ=ρ=2r cos (θ/2)  cos φ=((2r)/(R )) cos (θ/2)=cos (θ/2)  ⇒φ=(θ/2)  dA=2ρϕRdφ=2r^2  θ cos (θ/2) dθ  S_1 =∫_0 ^π 2r^2  θ cos (θ/2) dθ      =4r^2 ∫_0 ^π θ dsin ((θ/2))      =4r^2 {[θ sin ((θ/2))]_0 ^π −∫_0 ^π sin (θ/2) dθ}      =4r^2 {π+2 [cos (θ/2)]_0 ^π }      =4(π−2)r^2     h=ρ tan φ=2r sin (θ/2)  dA=hrdθ=2r^2  sin (θ/2) dθ  S_2 =2∫_0 ^π 2r^2  sin (θ/2) dθ       =8r^2 [cos (θ/2)]_π ^0        =8r^2     S=2πR^2 −S_1 +S_2 +πR^2 −πr^2      =8πr^2 −4(π−2)r^2 +8r^2 +4πr^2 −πr^2      =(7π+16)r^2      =7π+16     ≈37.99   ✓


Commented by universe last updated on 18/Jan/25

given ans is 8((π/2)−1)


Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Jan/25

then what does the question want to  ask?  8((π/2)−1)=4(π−2)=S_1   this is only the area of the sphere  part which is cut off by the cylinder.  my answer is the total area of the  intersection object.  please make clear what the question  wants to ask!


Commented by universe last updated on 18/Jan/25

Set s only contains those points which satisfy sphere EQ therefore we can't find surface area regarding cylinder we have to find the area regarding sphere Points lying in cylinder will not satisfy sphere eq

Commented by universe last updated on 18/Jan/25

for example 0,0,1 point satisfy cylender  equation but 0^2 +0^2 +1^2 ≠4 so (0,0,1) does  not belongs to set S


Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Jan/25

i have calculated S_1  and S_2 . with  them one can find that what he  wants to know. you can take S_1  as  answer.


Commented by mr W last updated on 18/Jan/25

Commented by universe last updated on 18/Jan/25

thank u sir


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