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Question Number 215828 by CrispyXYZ last updated on 19/Jan/25

Let Γ be a hyperbola with foci F_1  and F_2 ,   eccentricity e. M is an arbitrary point on Γ.  Let x=∠MF_1 F_2 , y=∠MF_2 F_1   Prove that ((∣ cos x − cos y ∣)/(1 − cos x cos y)) = ((2e)/(e^2 +1)).


Answered by mr W last updated on 19/Jan/25

Commented by mr W last updated on 19/Jan/25

say MF_1 =p, MF_2 =q  according to definition of hyperbola  p−q=constant=2a  say F_1 F_2 =2c  c=ea with e=eccentricity  x=α_1 , y=α_2   cos α_1 =((p^2 +4c^2 −q^2 )/(4cp))  cos α_2 =((q^2 +4c^2 −p^2 )/(4cq))  cos α_1 −cos α_2 =(1/(4c))(((p^2 +4c^2 −q^2 )/p)−((q^2 +4c^2 −p^2 )/q))      =(1/(4c))(p−q+((4c^2 −q^2 )/p)−((4c^2 −p^2 )/q))      =(1/(4c))[p−q+((p^3 −q^2 −4c^2 (p−q))/(pq))]      =(a/(2c))[1+((p^2 +pq+q^2 −4c^2 )/(pq))]      =(a/(2c))[1+(((p−q)^2 +3pq−4c^2 )/(pq))]     =((2a)/c)(1+((a^2 −c^2 )/(pq)))     =(2/e)[1+((a^2 (1−e^2 ))/(pq))]  1−cos α_1 cos α_2 =1−((p^2 +4c^2 −q^2 )/(4cp))×((q^2 +4c^2 −p^2 )/(4cq))     =1+(((p^2 −q^2 +4c^2 )(p^2 −q^2 −4c^2 ))/(16c^2 pq))     =1+(((p^2 −q^2 )^2 −16c^4 )/(16c^2 pq))     =1+((a^2 (p+q)^2 −4c^4 )/(4c^2 pq))     =1+((a^2 [(p−q)^2 +4pq]−4c^4 )/(4c^2 pq))     =1+((a^2 (a^2 +pq)−c^4 )/(c^2 pq))     =1+(1/e^2 )+((a^2 (1−e^4 ))/(e^2 pq))     =((e^2 +1)/e^2 )[1+((a^2 (1−e^2 ))/(pq))]  ((∣cos α_1 −cos α_2 ∣)/(1−cos α_1 cos α_2 ))=(2/e)×(e^2 /(e^2 +1))=((2e)/(e^2 +1)) ✓


Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 19/Jan/25

Weldone sir.  Please help me see to  Q215845


Commented by CrispyXYZ last updated on 20/Jan/25

Great! But I was wondering whether there   exists a better solution.


Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Jan/25

it depends on what you understand  with “better” in mathematics. i only  used the definition of hyperbola and  the definition of eccentricity, so in  my opinion it is the best way.  certainly one can also solve using  the equation of hyperbola. but it′s  only an other way, not necessarily  a better way, since one should prove  at first the equation of the hyperbola.


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