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Question Number 215837 by MATHEMATICSAM last updated on 19/Jan/25

If b^3  + a^2 c + ac^2  = 3abc then prove that  one root of ax^2  + bx + c = 0 is the square   of the other one.


Answered by MrGaster last updated on 19/Jan/25

given b^3 +a^2 c+ac^2 =3abc  β be the roots of ax^2 +bx+c=0  by Vieta′s formulas:Σα=−(b/a)∧Πα=(c/a)  if one root is the□ of the other,then ∃γ:α=γ^2 ∧β=γ∨α=γ∧β=γ^2   without loss of generality,assume α=γ^2 ∧β=γ  ∴Σα=γ^2 +γ=−(b/a)  Πα=γ^3 =(c/a)  from beth sides by a^3 :((b/a))^3 +((c/a))+((c/a))^2 =3((b/a))((c/a))  substitute Σα and Πα:(−Σα)^3 +Πα+(Πα)^2 =3(−Σα)(Πα)  (−(γ^2 +γ))^3 +γ^3 +(γ^3 )^2 =3(−(γ^2 +γ))(γ^3 )  −3γ^4 =−3γ^4   bx+c=0 is indeed the □ of the other.  ps:“□”  denotes squaring.


Commented by A5T last updated on 19/Jan/25

From the wording of the question, what is   required to prove is  :   b^3 +a^2 c+ac^2 =3abc⇒x_1 =γ ∧ x_2 =γ^2   You showed the converse here :  x_1 =γ ∧ x_2 =γ^2  ⇒ b^3 +a^2 c+ac^2 =3abc    Both are not quite the same.  A⇒B ≢ B⇒A .


Answered by A5T last updated on 19/Jan/25

Let the roots of ax^2 +bx+c=0 be x_1  and x_2   x_1 +x_2 =((−b)/a); x_1 x_2 =(c/a)  b^3 +a^2 c+ac^2 =3abc⇒^(/a^3 ) ((b/a))^3 +((c/a))+((c/a))^2 =3((b/a))((c/a))  ⇒−(x_1 +x_2 )^3 +x_1 x_2 +x_1 ^2 x_2 ^2 =−3(x_1 +x_2 )(x_1 x_2 )  ⇒−(x_1 ^3 +3x_1 ^2 x_2 +3x_1 x_2 ^2 +x_2 ^3 )+x_1 x_2 +x_1 ^2 x_2 ^2 =−3x_1 ^2 x_2 −3x_1 x_2 ^2   ⇒−x_1 ^3 −x_2 ^3 +x_1 x_2 +x_1 ^2 x_2 ^2 =−x_1 ^2 (x_1 −x_2 ^2 )+x_2 (x_1 −x_2 ^2 )=0  ⇒(x_1 ^2 −x_2 )(x_1 −x_2 ^2 )=0  ⇒x_1 ^2 =x_2  or x_2 ^2 =x_1                                                                ■


Commented by ArshadS last updated on 19/Jan/25

5th line:  ⇒−(x_1 ^3 +3x_1 ^2 x_2 +3x_1 x_2 ^2 +x_2 ^3 )+x_1 x_2 +x_1 ^2 x_2 ^2 =−3x_1 ^2 x_2 −3x_1 x_2 ^2


Commented by A5T last updated on 19/Jan/25

It was a typo, thanks.


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