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Question Number 28242 by abdo imad last updated on 22/Jan/18

find the value of ∫_0 ^∞ e^(−x) lnxdx  .


Commented by abdo imad last updated on 23/Jan/18

let put I_n = ∫_0 ^n  (1−(x/n))^(n−1) lnxdx  = ∫_(R ) (1−(x/n))^(n−1) χ_(]0,n[) (x) lnxdx  . the sequence of functions  f_n (x)= (1−(x/n))^(n−1) χ_(]0,n[) (x)ln(x)  c.s. to f(x)= e^(−x) lnx on  ]0,+∞[  also we have ∣f_n (x)∣ ≤ e^(−x)    ∀ x∈]0,n[ thoreme of  convergence dominee give lim_(n→+∞) I_(n ) =lim_(n→+∝) ∫_R f_n (x+dx  = ∫_0 ^∞ e^(−x) lnxdx  .the ch. (x/n)=t give  I_n =  n∫_0 ^1  (1−t)^(n−1) (ln(n)+lnt)dt  =n ln(n)∫_0 ^1  (1−t)^(n−1) dt  + ∫_0 ^1 n(1−t)^(n−1) lntdt  =ln(n)[−(1−t)^n ]_0 ^1  +∫_0 ^1 n(1−t)^(n−1) ln(t)dt  =ln(n) + ∫_0 ^1 n(1−t)^(n−1) ln(t)dt    but by parts  ∫_0 ^1 n(1−t)^(n−1) ln(t)dt=([ 1−(1−t)^n )lnt]_0 ^1 −∫_0 ^1  ((1−(1−t)^n )/t)dt  = −∫_0 ^1   ((1−(1−t)^n )/t)dt   (look that lim_(t→0) (1−(1−t)^n )lnt=0)  the ch. 1−t=x give  −∫_0 ^1    ((1−(1−t)^n )/t)dt = −∫_0 ^1   ((1−x^n )/(1−x))dx  =−∫_0 ^1 (1+x+x^2  +...x^(n−1) )dx =−∫_0 ^1 (Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1) x^k )dx  =−Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)  ∫_0 ^1 x^k dx=−Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1)  (1/(k+1))=−Σ_(k=1) ^n (1/k)=−H_n  so  I_n = ln(n)−H_n = −( H_n   −ln(n))_(n→+∝   ) →−γ   so    ∫_0 ^∞   e^(−x)  ln(x)dx=−γ      (the costant number of Euler)


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