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Question Number 28303 by ajfour last updated on 24/Jan/18

If one line of the equation :  ax^3 +bx^2 y+cxy^2 +dy^3 =0  bisects the angle between the  the other two then prove  (3a+c)^2 (bc+2cd−3ad)=               (b+3d)^2 (bc+2ab−3ad) .


Answered by ajfour last updated on 24/Jan/18

let the lines be  y=m_1 x, y=m_0 x, and y=m_2 x  θ_0 =(((θ_1 +θ_2 )/2))  ⇒  ((2m_0 )/(1−m_0 ^2 ))=((m_1 +m_2 )/(1−m_1 m_2 ))    ...(i)  m_1 m_2 m_0 =−a/d     ....(ii)  (m_1 +m_2 )m_0 +m_1 m_2 =b/d   ...(iii)  m_1 +m_2 +m_0 =−c/d     ....(iv)  using (ii) and (iv) in (i) and (iii)  to obtain two equations in m_0 :  ((2m_0 )/(1−m_0 ^2 ))=−(((m_0 +(c/d)))/((1+(a/(m_0 d)))))     ⇒ (2/(1−m_0 ^2 ))=− ((c+m_0 d)/(a+m_0 d))    .....(I)  m_0 =−((((b/d)+(a/(m_0 d))))/((m_0 +(c/d))))       ⇒    m_0 ^2 =− ((a+m_0 b)/(c+m_0 d))     .....(II)  (I)×(II)  gives  ((2m_0 ^2 )/(1−m_0 ^2 ))=((a+m_0 b)/(a+m_0 d))  adding 2 on bothsides  (2/(1−m_0 ^2 ))=((3a+m_0 (b+2d))/(a+m_0 d))    .....(A)  equating (I) with (A):  (2/(1−m_0 ^2 ))=((3a+m_0 (b+2d))/(a+m_0 d))=−((c+m_0 d)/(a+m_0 d))  hence  3a+m_0 (b+2d)=−(c+m_0 d)  m_0 =− ((3a+c)/(b+3d))  substituting in (II):  (((3a+c)/(b+3d)))^2 =− ((a−(((3a+c)/(b+3d)))b)/(c−(((3a+c)/(b+3d)))d))  or   (((3a+c)/(b+3d)))^2 =− ((3ad−2ab−bc)/(bc+2cd−3ad))   ⇒  (((3a+c)/(b+3d)))^2 = ((bc+2ab−3ad)/(bc+2cd−3ad))  .


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