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Question Number 29960 by rahul 19 last updated on 14/Feb/18

Answered by ajfour last updated on 15/Feb/18

(x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )=1 ⇒  (x/a^2 )+(y/b^2 )((dy/dx))=0  slope of a normal = −(dx/dy) = n  n= (a^2 /b^2 )((y/x))  and if we let  x=acos θ  , y=bsin θ  then  n= ((asin θ)/(bcos θ))  eq. of a normal through (h, k) is  y−k = ((asin θ)/(bcos θ))(x−h)  ⇒ (bsin θ−k)bcos θ=asin θ(acos θ−h)  −kbcos θ=sin θ(a^2 cos θ−b^2 cos θ−ah)  k^2 b^2 cos^2 θ=(1−cos^2 θ)[(a^2 −b^2 )cos θ−ah]^2   let us say cos θ = t  k^2 b^2 t^2 =(1−t^2 )[(a^2 −b^2 )^2 t^2 +a^2 h^2                            −2ah(a^2 −b^2 )t ]  k^2 b^2 t^2 =(a^2 −b^2 )^2 t^2 +a^2 h^2             −2ah(a^2 −b^2 )t −(a^2 −b^2 )^2 t^4              −a^2 h^2 t^2 +2ah(a^2 −b^2 )t^3   finally  (a^2 −b^2 )^2 t^4 −2ah(a^2 −b^2 )t^3     + kt^2 +2ah(a^2 −b^2 )t−a^2 h^2 =0  Σcos α =Σt_1 = ((2ah)/((a^2 −b^2 )))  Σsec α =((Σcos αcos βcos γ)/(Πcos α))   = ((Σt_1 t_2 t_3 )/(Πt_1 )) = (((((2ah)/(a^2 −b^2 ))))/([((a^2 h^2 )/((a^2 −b^2 )^2 ))])) =((2(a^2 −b^2 ))/(ah))  ⇒   (Σcos α)(Σsec α) =           ((2ah)/((a^2 −b^2 )))×((2(a^2 −b^2 ))/(ah)) = 4 .


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 15/Feb/18

thank u sir!


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