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Question Number 30119 by rahul 19 last updated on 16/Feb/18

Let  N= 2^(1224)  −1.  S= 2^(153) +2^(77) +1.  T= 2^(408) −2^(204) +1.  then which of the following statment is   correct?  a) S and T both divide N.  b) only S divides N.  c) only T divides N.  d) Neither S nor T divides N.


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 16/Feb/18

sir how does this prooves that S divides  N? as the ans. is A.


Answered by Giannibo last updated on 16/Feb/18

    N=2^(1224) −1^(1224) =(2^(612) −1^(612) )(2^(612) +1^(612) )=  (2^(306) −1)(2^(306) +1)(2^(612) +1)=  2^(153) +2^(77) ≡−1modS ⇒2^(154) +2^(78) ≡−2modS⇒2^(154) +2^(78) +1=(2^(77) +1)^2 ≡−1modS  2^(153) ≡(−2^(77) −1)modS  (2^(153) )^2 ≡(2^(77) +1)^2 modS ⇒2^(306) ≡−1modS⇒2^(306) +1≡0modS  S∣(2^(306) +1) & (2^(306) +1)∣N  S∣N  N=(2^(612) −1)(2^(612) +1)=((2^(204) )^3 +1^3 )(2^(612) −1)=  (2^(204) +1)((2^(204) )^2 −2^(204) +1)(2^(612) −1)  T=2^(408) −2^(204) +1∣N


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 17/Feb/18

what is ≡ mod ?


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 19/Feb/18

x≡y [n] means ∃k∈Z /x−y=kn  or n divide x−y.


Answered by MJS last updated on 16/Feb/18

I set n=51  N=2^(24n) −1  S=2^(3n) +2^((3n+1)/2) +1  T=2^(8n) −2^(4n) +1  then I made polynome divisions  N/T=2^(16n) +2^(12n) −2^(4n) −1  this is integer for n∈N  N/S=2^(21n) −2^((39n+1)/2) +2^(18n) −2^(15n) +2^((27n+1)/2) −2^(12n) +2^(9n) −2^((15n+1)/2) +2^(6n) −2^(3n) +2^((3n+1)/2) −1  this is surely integer for n=2k−1; k∈N  51=2∙26−1  therefore answer A is correct S∣N ∧ T∣N


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 17/Feb/18

little tricky sol. as it is tough to set n=51.


Commented by MJS last updated on 17/Feb/18

the polynome division with the  original numbers is more  complicated


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 17/Feb/18

To rahul,  It′s not so much tough to set 51  51 is GCD of 1224,153,408 &204


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 17/Feb/18

thank you sir .


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