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Question Number 30165 by rahul 19 last updated on 17/Feb/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 19/Feb/18

let us first choose a fixed x-axis.  ω^�  = ωk^�^�     and at time t  θ=ωt  r^� =r(cos θi^� +sin θj^� )    =r(cos ωti^� +sin ωtj^� )=re_r ^�   v^� =(dr/dt)e_r ^� +ωr(−sin ωti^� +cos ωtj^� )    =(dr/dt)e_r ^� +ωre_θ ^�   a^� =(d^2 r/dt^2 )e_r ^� +ω(dr/dt)e_θ ^� +ω(dr/dt)e_θ ^� −ω^2 re_r ^�   as there is complete absence of  force along radial direction, so  radial component of acceleration  is zero.  ⇒  (d^2 r/dt^2 )−ω^2 r =0      let  v_r = (dr/dt)  ⇒  ((v_r dv_r )/dr) = ω^2 r      ∫_0 ^(  v_r ) v_r dr = ω^2 ∫_(R/2) ^(  r) rdr       v_r ^2  = ω^2 (r^2 −(R^2 /4))  v_r = (dr/dt) = ω(√(r^2 −((R/2))^2 ))        ∫_(R/2) ^(  r) (dr/(√(r^2 −((R/2))^2 ))) = ω∫_0 ^(  t) dt  ⇒  ln (r+(√(r^2 −(R^2 /4))))∣_(R/2) ^r = ωt  ⇒  r+(√(r^2 −(R^2 /4))) = (R/2)e^(ωt)     ...(i)        rationalising and taking  reciprocal we also get,        r−(√(r^2 −(R^2 /4))) = (R/2)e^(−ωt)     ...(ii)  hence by adding (i) and (ii)        r = (R/4)(e^(𝛚t) +e^(−𝛚t) )  .  Force (tangential) on block by  disc   = F^�  = m(2ω(dr/dt))e_θ ^�           F^�  =2mωv_r e_θ ^�                =(2mω^2 (√(r^2 −(R^2 /4))) )e_θ ^�   (i)−(ii) gives        (√(r^2 −(R^2 /4))) =(R/4)(e^(ωt) −e^(−ωt) )    hence  F^�  = ((mω^2 R)/2)(e^(ωt) −e^(−ωt) )e_θ ^�   and if x axis is chosen to be  along radial direction rotating  along with disc then i^�  is along e_r ^�   and  j^�  is along e_θ ^�  .  Then F^�  = ((mω^2 R)/2)(e^(ωt) −e^(−ωt) )j^�   disc also supports weight of block  hence we also have a force    N_z =mgk^�   N^�   the reaction force of disc on  block is   N^�  = F^� +mgk^�    N^�  = ((mω^2 R)/2)(e^(ωt) −e^(ωt) )j^� +mgk^�   .


Commented by ajfour last updated on 19/Feb/18

Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 19/Feb/18

WOW …!


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