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Question Number 30614 by NECx last updated on 23/Feb/18

Consider that two cars are   accelerating along the same road  and if the distance between them  was observed to be increasing,what  deduction can you make as regards  the acceleration?  a)it implies that the trailing car  has the smaller acceleration  b)it implies that the two cars are  accelerating at the same rate  c)it implies nothing about the  acceleration  d)it implies that the leading car   has the greater acceleration.


Answered by chintan005@ last updated on 23/Feb/18

ans is d


Commented by NECx last updated on 23/Feb/18

please do well to explain why you  chose D as an answer.I′m more  confused because the textbook says  C as answer and there′s no  explanation.Thanks.


Commented by MJS last updated on 24/Feb/18

it says nothing about the acceleration  because we don′t know the initial  speeds of the cars. the leading car  could still be faster even if its acc.  is lower


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