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Question Number 31109 by naka3546 last updated on 02/Mar/18

a^4  + b^4  + 13   is  a  possible  largest  prime  number .  a  and  b  are  prime  numbers .  Find  a  and  b .


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 02/Mar/18

i don′t think such ques. have proper   sol^n . they can be done only by hit nd  trial method ?


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 02/Mar/18

Many of such questions indeed have a good thinking and proper logic. Many such questions can be solved by AOPS Community. I think posting questions there can help him.

Commented by MJS last updated on 03/Mar/18

what does “possible largest prime  number” mean?


Commented by naka3546 last updated on 04/Mar/18

possible  prime  number  of  a  and  b   prime numbers .


Commented by MJS last updated on 04/Mar/18

a=3, b=5, a^4 +b^4 +13=719  what I found but cannot explain:  a, b are prime numbers,  c=a^4 +b^4 +13  for a=3, b>3: 5∣c  for a=5, b>5: 3∣c  for a>5, b>a: (3∙5)∣c  can somebody explain why this is?


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