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Question Number 31743 by rahul 19 last updated on 13/Mar/18

 Find the value of : Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ Σ_(k=0) ^∞  (1/(3^i 3^j 3^k )).  case 1: i≠j≠k.  case 2: i<j<k.

Findthevalueof:i=0j=0k=013i3j3k. case1:ijk. case2:i<j<k.

Answered by mrW2 last updated on 13/Mar/18

Σ_(k=0) ^∞ (1/3^k )=1+(1/3)+(1/3^2 )+....=(1/(1−(1/3)))=(3/2)  Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ Σ_(k=0) ^∞  (1/(3^i 3^j 3^k ))  =Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ {(1/(3^i 3^j ))(Σ_(k=0) ^∞  (1/3^k ))}  =(3/2)Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ (1/(3^i 3^j ))  =(3/2)Σ_(i=0) ^∞ {(1/3^i )(Σ_(j=0) ^∞ (1/3^j ))}  =(3/2)×(3/2)Σ_(i=0) ^∞ (1/3^i )  =(3/2)×(3/2)×(3/2)  =((27)/8)

k=013k=1+13+132+....=1113=32 i=0j=0k=013i3j3k =i=0j=0{13i3j(k=013k)} =32i=0j=013i3j =32i=0{13i(j=013j)} =32×32i=013i =32×32×32 =278

Commented bymrW2 last updated on 14/Mar/18

Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ Σ_(k=0) ^∞  (1/(3^i 3^j 3^k ))=((27)/8)  this is correct.  if you need Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ Σ_(k=0) ^∞ _(i≠j≠k)  (1/(3^i 3^j 3^k )) or  Σ_(i=0) ^∞ Σ_(j=0) ^∞ Σ_(k=0) ^∞ _(i>j>k)  (1/(3^i 3^j 3^k )) then the result is different.

i=0j=0k=013i3j3k=278 thisiscorrect. ifyouneedi=0j=0k=0ijk13i3j3kor i=0j=0k=0i>j>k13i3j3kthentheresultisdifferent.

Commented byrahul 19 last updated on 14/Mar/18

But what is the difference when  i≠j≠k and i<j<k are present in ques.  (original q.) and when that is not mention  in the ques. (the way u solved).

Butwhatisthedifferencewhen ijkandi<j<karepresentinques. (originalq.)andwhenthatisnotmention intheques.(thewayusolved).

Commented bymrW2 last updated on 14/Mar/18

look at an example:  Σ_(i=1) ^3 Σ_(j=1) ^3 a^i b^j =a^1 (b^1 +b^2 +b^3 )+a^2 (b^1 +b^2 +b^3 )+a^3 (b^1 +b^2 +b^3 )=(a^1 +a^2 +a^3 )(b^1 +b^2 +b^3 )  (i and j are independent)    Σ_(i=1) ^3 Σ_(j=1) ^3 _(i≠j) a^i b^j =a^1 (b^2 +b^3 )+a^2 (b^1 +b^3 )+a^3 (b^1 +b^2 )  (i and j are dependent)    Σ_(i=1) ^3 Σ_(j=1) ^3 _(i<j) a^i b^j =a^1 (b^2 +b^3 )+a^2 b^3   (i and j are dependent)

lookatanexample: 3i=13j=1aibj=a1(b1+b2+b3)+a2(b1+b2+b3)+a3(b1+b2+b3)=(a1+a2+a3)(b1+b2+b3) (iandjareindependent) 3i=13j=1ijaibj=a1(b2+b3)+a2(b1+b3)+a3(b1+b2) (iandjaredependent) 3i=13j=1i<jaibj=a1(b2+b3)+a2b3 (iandjaredependent)

Commented byrahul 19 last updated on 14/Mar/18

ok sir, now understood when its in  2 variables (i,j).  pls also show similar example for  3 variable (i,j,k) ?

oksir,nowunderstoodwhenitsin 2variables(i,j). plsalsoshowsimilarexamplefor 3variable(i,j,k)?

Commented byabdo imad last updated on 14/Mar/18

there is a dfference between  Σ_(i j) a_i bj and  Σ_(i,j andi≠j) a_i a_j   and the type of this triple sum is difficut to treat  and if you give interest you must take a look to  sommables family ....

thereisadfferencebetweenijaibjandi,jandijaiaj andthetypeofthistriplesumisdifficuttotreat andifyougiveinterestyoumusttakealookto sommablesfamily....

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