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Question Number 33649 by rahul 19 last updated on 21/Apr/18

Consider f:R^+ →R such that  f(3)=1 for a∈R^+  and   f(x).f(y) + f((3/x)).f((3/y)) = 2f(xy)  ∀ x,y ∈ R^+ . Then find f(x) ?


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 21/Apr/18

prof Abdo imad , MJS sir  pls help .


Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 21/Apr/18

⇒(f(1))^2  +(f(3))^2  =2f(1)⇒(f(1))^2  −2f(1) +1 =0  ⇒ (f(1)−1)^2 =0 ⇒ f(1)=1 for y=(1/x) ⇒  f(x)f((1/x))  +f((3/x)).f(3x) =2  let x→+∞  f(+∞)f(0) +f(+∞)f(0) =2 ⇒ f(0) f(+∞)=1  this condition prove that f(x)=c(constant)  ∀ x ∈R^+   f(x)f((1/x)) +f((3/x))f(3x) =2 ⇒  c^2  +c^2  =2 ⇒ 2c^2  =2 ⇒ c =+^− 1  but f(1)=f(3) =1  ⇒ f(x)=1 ∀x ∈R^+


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 22/Apr/18

thank u sir !


Answered by MJS last updated on 21/Apr/18

x=1; y=1  f(1)f(1)+f(3)f(3)=2f(1)  f(1)^2 −2f(1)+1=0  (f(1)−1)^2 =0  f(1)=1    x=3; y=3  f(3)f(3)+f(1)f(1)=2f(9)  1+1=2f(9)  f(9)=1    so at least one solution is  f(x)=1    we could also start with  x=1; y=3  f(1)f(3)+f((3/1))f((3/3))=2f(1×3)  f(1)+f(1)=2 ⇒ f(1)=1


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 21/Apr/18

sir , actually i also got one of the sol.  as f(x)=1.   But i am finding hard to prove that  for any value of x,y ∈ R^+ .  f(x)=1 only !   i mean only one solution.


Commented by MJS last updated on 21/Apr/18

if the function is y=1 then the given equation  is true for all x∈R because  f(x)=f(y)=f((3/x))=f((3/y))=f(xy)=1 and  1×1+1×1=2×1    if x≠y was demanded we′d need a different  function, but I could not find one


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 22/Apr/18

thank u sir.


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