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Question Number 33651 by rahul 19 last updated on 21/Apr/18

Let function f(x) be defined as   f(x)= x^2 +bx+c , where b,c∈R .  And f(1) − 2f(5) +f(9) =32.  Find no. of ordered pairs (b,c)  such that ∣f(x)∣≤8 ∀ x∈ [1,9] ?


Answered by MJS last updated on 21/Apr/18

something about polynomial functions of  2^(nd)  degree  there are 2 different points of view  usually we are focused on zeros  x^2 +px+q=0 ⇔  ⇔ (x−x_1 )(x−x_2 ) ⇔  ⇔ p=−(x_1 +x_2 ) ∧ q=x_1 x_2   but we should think about steepness, orientation  and shifts in both x− and y−directions  y=ax^2 +bx+c  a>0 ⇔ “hanging” parabola  a<0 ⇔ “standing parabola”  ∣a∣ determines steepness            y′=2ax+b            ∣2a∣<1 ⇔ “flat” or “wide” parabola            ∣2a∣>1 ⇔ “steep” or “narrow” parabola  b and c have got something to do with the  x− and y−shifts  let′s look at the basic function  y=x^2   shift up/down  y−v=x^2  ⇔ y=x^2 +v  shift left/right  y=(x+u)^2 +v ⇔ y=x^2 +2ux+u^2 +v  b=2u ∧ c=u^2 +v ⇔ u=(b/2) ∧ v=c−(b^2 /4)  so y=x^2 +bx+c is a shifted basic parabola.  we are looking for a part of this function  which fits into a window of width 8 and  height 16 (because the width of the given  interval [1;9] is 8 and abs(f(x))≤8 ⇔   ⇔ −8≤f(x)≤8 ⇔ 0≤f(x)+8≤16    we can look at y=x^2  and afterwards do the  shifting  1. try on left arm (symm. to right arm)  f(x): y=x^2   x≤0  f(x)±16=f(x−8)  x^2 ±16=x^2 −16x+64  16x=64±16       [x=3 ∨ x=5 ⇒ no solution on left arm       f(±3)=9; f(±5)=25 but f(0)=0 ⇒ our       window would be 8×25 instead of 8×16]  2. try center  f(−4)=16  f(0)=0  f(4)=16  is the only solution    but we need x∈[1;9] instead of x∈[−4;4] ⇒  ⇒ shift 5 to the right  y=(x−5)^2   and we need y∈[−8;8] instead of y∈[0;16] ⇒  ⇒ shift 8 down  y=(x−5)^2 −8    y=x^2 −10x+17  there′s only one pair (b;c)=(−10;17)         [f(1)−2f(5)+f(9)=32 is true for any pair       (b;c), so we didn′t need it:       f(1)=1+b+c       f(5)=25+5b+c       f(9)=81+9b+c       (1+b+c)−2(25+5b+c)+(81+9b+c)=32]


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 22/Apr/18

thank u so much sir!


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