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Question Number 34355 by last updated on 05/May/18

Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 05/May/18

let prove by recurrence that   A^n  =  (((p^n         q((p^n −1)/(p−1)))),((0                1)) )  with p≠1 for n=1  A^1 =  (((p        q)),((0          1)) )  relation true let suppose A^n  =  (((p^n          q((p^n −1)/(p−1)))),((0                  1)) )  A^(n+1)  = A^n .A=  (((p^n        q((p^n −1)/(p−1)))),((0               1)) )   . (((p        q  )),((0         1)) )  =    (((p^(n+1)         p^n q +q((p^n −1)/(p−1)))),((0                            1)) )  =  (((p^(n+1)           q(  ((p^(n+1)  −p^n  +p^n −1)/(p−1))))),((0                                      1)) )  =  (((p^(n+1)            q((p^(n+1)  −1)/(p−1)))),((0                         1)) )  the relation is true at term n+1 let take  n=8 ⇒  A^8   =  (((p^8         q((p^8 −1)/(p−1)))),((0                1)) )


Answered by last updated on 05/May/18

solve it step wise


Answered by candre last updated on 05/May/18

A^1 = ((p,q),(0,1) )  A^n = ((a_n ,b_n ),(c_n ,d_n ) )  A^(n+1) = ((a_(n+1) ,b_(n+1) ),(c_(n+1) ,d_(n+1) ) )  =A^n A  = ((a_n ,b_n ),(c_n ,d_n ) ) ((p,q),(0,1) )  = (((a_n p),(a_n q+b_n )),((c_n p),(c_n q+d_n )) )  from where we get   { ((a_(n+1) =a_n p),(a_1 =p)),((b_(n+1) =a_n q+b_n ),(b_1 =q)),((c_(n+1) =c_n p),(c_1 =0)),((d_(n+1) =c_n q+d_n ),(d_1 =0)) :}  studing each separated  for a  a_2 =a_1 p  a_3 =a_2 p=a_1 p^2   ⋮  a_n =a_1 p^(n−1) ⇒a_(n+1) =a_n p=a_1 p^n   a_1 =p⇒a_n =pp^(n−1) =p^n   for c similiar argument apply, but:  c_1 =0⇒c_n =c_1 p^(n−1) =0  for b  b_2 =a_1 q+b_1   b_3 =a_2 q+b_2 =(a_1 +a_2 )q+b_1   ⋮  b_n =(a_1 +...+a_(n−1) )q+b_1 ⇒b_(n+1) =a_n q+b_n =(a_1 +...+a_(n−1) +a_n )q+b_1   a_n =p^n ⇒Σ_(i=1) ^n a_i =p+p^2 +...+p^n =p((p^n −1)/(p−1))=((p^(n+1) −p)/(p−1))(p≠1)  b_1 =q⇒b_n =qΣ_(i=1) ^(n−1) a_i +q=q(((p^n −p)/(p−1))+1)=q((p^n −p+p−1)/(p−1))=q((p^n −1)/(p−1))  similiar for d  c_n =0⇒Σ_(i=1) ^n c_i =0  d_1 =1⇒d_n =qΣ_(i=1) ^(n−1) c_n +d_1 =1  so  A^n = ((p^n ,(q((p^n −1)/(p−1)))),(0,1) )     where p≠1  above is just the case of n=8


Commented by candre last updated on 05/May/18

if p=1 we get  A^n = ((1,(qn)),(0,1) )  ;)


Commented by abdo mathsup 649 cc last updated on 05/May/18

where are you from sir candre?


Commented by candre last updated on 05/May/18

brazil, but why the question?


Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 05/May/18

its only a simlple information sir i know that   brazil is a beautiful country with good and  generous people i am looking that you are most  interested to mathematics...i hope to visit brazil  some day....


Commented by Rio Mike last updated on 06/May/18

hey i live in Brazil to Sao Paolo   can i know you sir?


Commented by candre last updated on 11/May/18

i does live in state of sao paulo, but not the city.


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