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Question Number 34734 by last updated on 10/May/18

given the sum of the first n terms   of an AP is x^2  the sum of  the first 2n terms of the same AP is x^2 +x  show that the sum of the first 4n terms is  4x^2 −8x+4


Commented by abdo mathsup 649 cc last updated on 11/May/18

if the first term is u_1  we have  Σ_(k=1) ^n u_k   =x^2   ⇒(n/2)( u_1   +u_n )=x^2  ⇒  u_1  +u_n = ((2x^2 )/n) ⇒ u_1  +(n−1)r = ((2x^2 )/n) ⇒  (n−1)r = ((2x^2 )/n) −u_1  ⇒ r= ((2x^2  −nu_1 )/(n−1))  r  depends on n  r is not constant  the Q.contain  a error....


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 10/May/18

a: first term, d:common difference  Sum of n terms:           (n/2)[2a+ n−1 ^(−) d]=x^2            2an+ n(n−1)d=2x^2 ....I  Sum of 2n terms:           ((2n)/2)[2a+ 2n−1 ^(−) d]=x^2 +x           2an+ n(2n−1) d]=x^2 +x...II   I−II: [n(n−1)−n(2n−1)]d=x^2 −x                     n(n−1−2n+1)d=x^2 −x                     n(−n)d=x^2 −x                     −n^2 d=x^2 −x                           d=((x−x^2 )/n^2 )     (n/2)[2a+ n−1 ^(−) d]=x^2                    ⇒n[2a+ (n−1)(((x−x^2 )/n^2 ))]=2x^2                   2an=2x^2 −((n−1)/n^2 )(x−x^2 )            a=(x^2 /n)−((n−1)/(2n^3 ))(x−x^2 )           a=((2n^2 x^2 −(n−1)(x−x^2 ))/(2n^3 ))  Sum of 4n terms:         ((4n)/2)[2a+(4n−1)d]       = 2n[2(((2n^2 x^2 −(n−1)(x−x^2 ))/(2n^3 )))+(4n−1)(((x−x^2 )/n^2 ))]       = 2(((2n^2 x^2 −(n−1)(x−x^2 ))/n^2 ))+2n(4n−1)(((x−x^2 )/n^2 ))       = 2(((2n^2 x^2 −(n−1)(x−x^2 )+2n(4n−1)(x−x^2 ))/n^2 ))       = ((4n^2 x^2 −2(n−1)(x−x^2 )+4n(4n−1)(x−x^2 ))/n^2 )       = ((4n^2 x^2 −2nx+2nx^2 +2x−2x^2 +16n^2 x−16n^2 x^2 −4nx+4nx^2 )/n^2 )  The answer is not free of n  Perhsps there′s an error...  Can you check my solution.  Continue


Commented by last updated on 10/May/18

please finish it up


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