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Question Number 34736 by math khazana by abdo last updated on 10/May/18

letf(x)=−2x  +(√(x−3))  1)  find  f^(−1) (x)  2) calculate (f^(−1) )^′ (x)   and (f^(−1) )^, (2)  3) let g(x) = x^2  −2x+3  calculate fog(x) and give D_(fog)   4) find (fog)^(−1) (x)  5) calculate  ((fog)^(−1) )^′ (x).


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 13/May/18

D_f =[−3,+∞[ let put y=f(x) ⇔x=f^(−1) (y)  y =f(x) ⇔ y=−2x +(√(x−3)) ⇔(y+2x)^2  =x−3  ⇒ y^2  +4yx +4x^2  −x+3=0 ⇒  4x^2   +(4y−1)x +y^2  +3 =0   Δ = (4y−1)^2  −16(y^2 +3)  = 16y^2   −8y +1 −16y^2   −48  =−8y −47  =−8(y  +((47)/8))  Δ must be≥0  ⇒ y ≤ −((47)/8)  and y +2x≥0    x_1  = ((1−4y +(√(−8y−47)))/8)  x_2 = ((1−4y −(√(−8y−47)))/8)  y +2x_1  = y   +((1−4y +(√(−8y−47)))/4)  =((1+(√(−8y−47)))/4)≥0 ⇒f^(−1) (x)= ((1−4x +(√(−8x−47)))/8)  with Df^(−1)    =]−∞,−((47)/8)]  2) (f^(−1) )^′ (x)= −(1/2) +(1/8) ((−8)/(2(√(−8x−47))))  =−(1/2) −(1/(√(−8x−47)))     but 2 ∉ ]+∞,−((47)/8)[ so  (f^(−1) )^′ (2) dont exist  3) we have f(x)=−2x +(√(x−3 ))   and  g(x)= x^2 −2x+3 ⇒  fog(x)=−2g(x)+(√(g(x)−3))  =−2x^2  +4x −6  +(√(x^2  −2x +3−3))  =−2x^2  +4x −6  +(√(x^2  −2x))  D_(fog ) =]−∞,0]∪[2,+∞[


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