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Question Number 34739 by chakraborty ankit last updated on 10/May/18

Commented by abdo mathsup 649 cc last updated on 10/May/18

5) we have the formula  Σ_(k=0) ^(n−1) [x +(k/n)] =[nx] ⇒  Σ_(k=0) ^(98) [ (2/3) +(k/(99))]=[99.(2/3)]=[66]=66   answer c.


Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 11/May/18

7) 2f(x) +f(1−x)=x^2    f is a polynom   let put f(x) =ax^2  +bx +c  ⇔ 2ax^2  +2bx +2c +a(1−x)^2  +b(1−x) +c =x^2   ⇔ 2ax^2  x^2  +2bx +2c +a(x^2 −2x+1) +b −bx +c =x^2   ⇔3ax^2    +(2b −2a −b)x  +2c +a  +b+c =x^2   ⇔ 3a=1 ,b−2a=0 , 3c +a+b=0  ⇔a=(1/3)  , b=(2/3) , c =−((a+b)/3) =−(1/3) ⇒  f(x)= (1/3)x^2   +(2/3)x −(1/3) = ((x^2  +2x −1)/3)  answer B.


Commented by chakraborty ankit last updated on 13/May/18

thank you sir


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 13/May/18

1.  A={1,2,3,4},B={2,4,6}  A∩B ⊇ C ⊆ A∪B  A∩B={2,4}  ,  A∪B={1,2,3,4,6}      C={2,4}∪X ,  ∀ X∈P( (A∪B)−(A∩B)  )                                      P({1,2,3,4,6}−{2,4})                                      =P({1,3,6}                                     Number of X′s =2^3 =8  Number of C′s=8          [∵ C={2,4}∪X]      (C) 8


Answered by rahul 19 last updated on 12/May/18

3) (A)  4) (B) (4,∞).  6) (B)


Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 13/May/18

2.  Let the number of families in the town is y.        25% of  y=y/4 having cell phone.         15% of  y=3y/20 having scooter.          1500 families having both.  −−−−          (y/4) −1500 having cell phones only.          (3y/20) −1500 having scooters only.  Families having a cell phone or a scooter:    [(y/4) −1500]+1500+[(3y/20) −1500]        (y/4)+((3y)/(20))−1500=((5y+3y−30000)/(20))  Having neither cell phone nor scooter        y−((8y−30000)/(20))=65% of y        ((20y−8y+30000)/(20))=((13y)/(20))         13y−12y=30000                 y=30000  Total number of families in the town          (C)    30,000


Commented by chakraborty ankit last updated on 13/May/18

thank you sir


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