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Question Number 34870 by Tinkutara last updated on 12/May/18

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 15/May/18

please help

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 16/May/18

Anyone please see it.

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 16/May/18

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 16/May/18

Actually this was the whole comprehension.

Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 20/May/18

Pattern approach  Using strategy of Q#34760,we can  determine ′number of triangles′ for  various values of c:(In the following N  denotes number of triangle.)   ((c,N),(1,3),(2,(12)),(3,(27)),(4,(48)),(5,(75)),(⋮,⋮) )  Number of triangles(N) make following    sequence :   3,12,27,48,75,108,....  We can easily determine general term:   [(c,1,2,3,4,5,6,(..)),(N,3,(12),(27),(48),(75),(108),(..)),(,(3.1),(3.4),(3.9),(3.16),(3.25),(3.36),(..)),(,(3.1^2 ),(3.2^2 ),(3.3^2 ),(3.4^2 ),(3.5^2 ),(3.6^2 ),(..)) ]  Hence general term is 3c^2   Number of triangles : 3c^2

PatternapproachYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modedeterminenumberoftrianglesforvariousvaluesofc:(InthefollowingNdenotesnumberoftriangle.)(cN13212327448575)Numberoftriangles(N)makefollowingsequence:3,12,27,48,75,108,....Wecaneasilydeterminegeneralterm:[c123456..N312274875108..]Hencegeneraltermis3c2Numberoftriangles:3c2

Answered by Tinkutara last updated on 22/May/18

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 22/May/18

This was the solution. Can you please elaborate it? I can't understand it.

Answered by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/May/18

A try to elaborate the answer given  with question in the book.  (See ans by Mr Tinkutara here)  (a,a,b):A triangle, (i) with integer sides  and (ii) at least two sides are equal with  the possibility a=b.  By triangle inequality,         a+a>b⇒  2a−1≥b  Also    b≥1  So,                   2a−1≥b≥1...............A                    1≤a,b≤2c  (Given).......B  Case-1:       1≤a≤c      1≤b≤2c ∧ b≤2a−1 ⇒1≤b≤2a−1 ∗    i-e there are 2a−1 choices for b when    a is fixed.  For a=c → 2c−1 choices for b  For a=c−1→ 2(c−1)−1=2c−3 choices for b  For a=c−2→ 2(c−2)−1=2c−5 choices for b         ......          .....  For a=2→ 2(2)−1=3 choices for b  For a=1→ 2(1)−1=1 choices for b  Total choices for this case  (2c−1)+(2c−3)+(2c+5)...+3+1_(−−−−−−−−−−−−c terms−−−−−−) =c^2   Notice that above is the sum  of c consecutive  odd numbers.(Treate it as AP)  Case-2:      c+1≤a≤2c (c values)      b≤2c ∧ 1≤b≤2a−1 ⇒1≤b≤2c ∗∗  i-e b takes  2c values.  ∵ a takes c values from c+1 to 2c      and for each of these values        b takes 2c vales  ∴ (a,a,b) takes c.2c=2c^2  values  Case-1  &  Case-2:              c^2 +2c^2 =3c^2   Number of (a,a,b)=3c^2


Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 24/May/18

 ∗ For 1≤a≤c                b≤2c ∧ b≤2a−1              ⇒b≤2a−1  [  b≤2c ∧ b≤2a−1⇒b≤min(2c,2a−1)  1≤a≤c⇒2≤2a−1≤2c−1          ⇒2a−1≤2c  So 2a−1 is always less than 2c ]  ∗∗ For   c+1≤a≤2c                b≤2c ∧ b≤2a−1           ⇒b≤2c  [  b≤2c ∧ b≤2a−1⇒b≤min(2c,2a−1)   c+1≤a≤2c⇒2c≤2a−1≤4c−1  So 2c always less than 2a−1


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 24/May/18

Thank you very much Sir! I got the answer. ��������

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