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Question Number 34877 by NECx last updated on 12/May/18

4 couples are to take a photograph  with a newly wedded couple in a  wedding party.In how many ways  can this be done if:  i)the celebrated couple must stand  in the middle  ii)each couple must stand next to  each other  iii)the celebrated couple must not  stand next to each other


Commented by NECx last updated on 12/May/18

I′m so sorry I made typo error.Its  meant to be 4 couples not A couple.  It has been editdd.


Answered by last updated on 12/May/18

let new celebrated couple H_n ,W_n   old couple H_o ,W_o   1)H_o ,H_n ,W_n ,W_o      H_o ,W_n ,H_n ,W_o     W_o ,W_n ,H_n ,H_o      W_o ,H_n ,W_n ,H_o   four place to be filled...two extreme by 2 ways  and middle two place by two new couple  so 2×2=4 ways  2)H_n W_n H_o W_o    H_n W_n W_o H_o   W_n H_n H_o W_o   W_n H_n W_o H_o   H_o W_o H_n W_n   H_o W_o W_n H_n   W_o H_o H_n W_n   W_o H_o W_n H_n   so 8ways  3)the extreme two end place can be filled by either   new husband or new wife so 2 ways  middle two place by 2 ways so total 2×2=4 ways


Answered by last updated on 12/May/18

1)total member in the party=4×2+2=10  1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10  there are ten seat to be occupied by party membdr  new couple to occupy seat number 5 and6s  remaining eight seat to be occupied by other  four couple  so 2!×8!  2)imagine each couple are attached together  so one couple maybe imagined one unit  so required permutation is 5!×2!  3)let celebrated couple are fabiquicked with  each other so that they can not be separated  the permutation so tbat new couple always  together is (4×2+1)!×2!  =9!×2!  so required permutation when new couple  never together is 10!−9!×2!


Commented by NECx last updated on 12/May/18

Thank you so much


Commented by NECx last updated on 13/May/18

its really explanatory


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