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Question Number 34913 by abdo imad last updated on 12/May/18

let f(x)= (3/(2+cosx))  developp f ar fourier serie.


Commented by abdo imad last updated on 31/May/18

we have cosx = ((e^(ix)  +e^(−ix) )/2) let use the changement  e^(ix) =z ⇒f(x)=ϕ(z)= (3/(2+((z+z^(−1) )/2))) = (6/(4 +z +z^(−1) ))  = ((6z)/(4z +z^2  +1)) = ((6z)/(z^2  +4z +1)) polez of ϕ?  roots of z^2  +4z +1  Δ^′  =2^2  −1=3 ⇒z_1 =−2+(√3)   and z_2 =−2−(√3)  ∣z_1 ∣<∣z_2 ∣  we consider the domain  W ={z∈C/ ∣z_1 ∣<∣z∣<∣z_2 ∣} we have    ϕ(z) = ((6z)/((z−z_1 )(z−z_2 ))) =((6z)/(z_1 −z_2 )){ (1/(z−z_1 )) −(1/(z−z_2 ))}  = ((6z)/(2(√3))){  (1/(z−z_1 )) − (1/(z−z_2 ))}=z(√3){   (1/(z(1−(z_1 /z)))) −(1/(z_2 ((z/z_2 )−1)))}  =z(√3){  (1/(z(1−(z_1 /z)))) + (1/(z_2 (1−(z/z_2 ))))}  =(√3)Σ_(n=0) ^∞  ((z_1 /z))^n   +(z/z_2 )(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞   ((z/z_2 ))^n   (√3)Σ_(n=0) ^∞   (z_1 ^n /z^n ) + (z/z_1 ^− )(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (z^n /z_1 ^−^n  ) continued...


Commented by abdo imad last updated on 31/May/18

ϕ(z)=(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (−2+(√3))^n  e^(−inx)    +(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞  ((1/(−2+(√3))))^(n+1)  e^(i(n+1)x)   =(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞   (−2+(√3))^ e^(−inx)   +(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞  (−2−(√3))^(n+1)  e^(i(n+1)x)


Commented by last updated on 31/May/18

error in the final line we have  z_1 .z_2  =(2−(√3))(2+(√3))=1 ⇒z_2 =(1/z_1 ) so  ϕ(z)=(√3)Σ_(n=0) ^∞ (z_1 ^n /z^n ) +z z_1  Σ_(n=0) ^∞  z_1 ^n  z^n   =(√3) Σ_(n=0) ^∞  ((√3) −2)^n  e^(−inx)  +Σ_(n=0) ^∞  ((√3) −2)^(n+1)  e^(i(n+1)x)   =


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 01/Jun/18

method of Residus f is 2π periodic even so  f(x) = (a_0 /2) +Σ_(n=1) ^∞  a_n  cos(nx) with  a_n  = (2/T) ∫_([T])   f(x) cos(nx)dx  = (2/(2π)) ∫_0 ^(2π)   ((3 cos(nx))/(2+cosx)) dx = (3/π) ∫_0 ^(2π)    ((cos(nx))/(2 +cosx))dx ⇒  (π/3)a_n = ∫_0 ^(2π)    ((cos(nx))/(2+cosx))dx  changement  e^(ix)  =z give  (π/3)a_n  =Re( ∫_0 ^(2π)   (e^(inx) /(2 +cosx))dx) =Re( A_n ) but  A_n   = ∫_(∣z∣=1)    (z^n /(2 + ((z +z^(−1) )/2))) (dz/(iz))  = ∫_(∣z∣=1)    ((2z^n )/(iz( 4 +z+z^(−1) )))dz  = ∫_(∣z∣=1)    ((−2iz^n )/(4z +z^2  +1))dz   = ∫_(∣z∣=1)    ((−2i z^n )/(z^2  +4z +1))dz let introduce the complex  function ϕ(z) = ((−2i z^n )/(z^2  +4z?+1)) poles of ϕ?  roots of z^2  +4z +1  Δ^′ = 2^2 −1=3 ⇒ z_1 = −2+(√3)   and z_2 =−2−(√3)  ∣z_1 ∣ −1=2−(√3) −1=1−(√3) <0 ⇒ ∣z_1 ∣<1  ∣z_2 ∣ −1 =2+(√3) −1 = 1+(√3)>0 ⇒ ∣z_2 ∣>1 to  eliminate from residus


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 01/Jun/18

∫_(∣z∣=1) ϕ(z)dz =2iπ Res( ϕ,z_1 ) but  ϕ(z) = ((−2i z^n )/((z−z_1 )(z−z_2 )))  Res(ϕ,z_1 ) = ((−2i z_1 ^n )/(z_1 −z_2 )) = ((−2i (−2+(√3))^n )/(2(√3))) ⇒  ∫_(∣z∣=1) ϕ(z)dz =2iπ ((−2i (−2+(√3))^n )/(2(√3)))  =  ((2π)/(√3))(−2+(√3))^n


Commented by last updated on 01/Jun/18

(π/3)a_n  = ((2π)/(√3))( −2 +(√3))^n  ⇒  a_n  = (6/(√3))(−2+(√3))^n   ⇒a_0 = (6/(√3)) and  (a_0 /2) = (√( 3)) ⇒ f(x)= (√3)  +(6/(√3))Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (−2+(√3))^n  cos(nx) .


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