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Question Number 35195 by ajfour last updated on 16/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/May/18

Q.35178 carried forward..


Answered by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

lets take the common diameter  as our y axis. L and T on x axis.  further let AP=l ,  ∠ALT = θ  α=((∠A)/2)  A(lcos θ, r+lsin θ) is on circum-  circle, so  l^2 cos^2 θ+(r+lsin θ−R)^2 =R^2   ..(i)  MR=OP cos (θ+α−(π/2))  ⇒ lcos α−(b/2)=(R−r)sin (θ+α)                                               ....(ii)  NS=OP cos ((π/2)−(θ−α))  ⇒  lcos α−(c/2)=(R−r)sin (θ−α)                                          .....(iii)  ⇒ 4(R−r)cos θsin α= c−b   ...(a)  and  (R−r)^2 (1+3sin^2 θ)cos^2 α−        (R−r)(b+c)sin θcos α+            (((b+c)/4))^2 −R^2 cos^2 α = 0    ....(b)  where R=(a/(2sin 2α))=(b/(2sin 2β))=(c/(2sin 2γ))     α=((∠A)/2) , β=((∠B)/2) , γ=((∠C)/2) .  sin θ, cos θ  need be eliminated amongst  the equations (a),and (b)!


Commented by MJS last updated on 21/May/18

...this is possible I think...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/May/18

thanks.Please solve Q.35646


Commented by MJS last updated on 22/May/18

Thanks for your work, Sir Aifour, I′m glad  to add my part:  (a)  ⇒ cos θ=((c−b)/(4(R−r)sin α)); sin θ=(√(1−cos^2  θ))  (b)  ⇒ r^4 +Br^3 +Cr^2 +Dr+E=0  but with the 1^(st)  step to solve this it leads to  r=s−(B/4)  s^4 +Ps^2 +Q=0  s_1 =−(√(−(P/2)−((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)))  s_2 =−(√(−(P/2)+((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)))  s_3 =(√(−(P/2)−((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)))  s_4 =(√(−(P/2)+((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)))  r_i =s_i −(B/4)  R=((abc)/δ); sin (α/2)=(√((1−cos α)/2)); cos (α/2)=(√((1+cos α)/2));  cos α=((−a^2 +b^2 +c^2 )/(2bc)); δ=(√((a+b+c)(a+b−c)(a−b+c)(−a+b+c)))  B=−((4abc)/δ)=−4R  P=((bc(a^4 −a^2 (b^2 +6bc+c^2 )+δ^2 ))/(4δ^2 ))  Q=((a^2 b^3 c^3 (b−c)^2 (a+b+c)(−a+b+c))/(4δ^2 ))  ((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)=((bc(b+c)^2 )/(8(a+b+c)(−a+b+c)))  (√(−(P/2)−((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)))=(((b−c)(√(bc)))/(2(√((a+b−c)(a−b+c)))))  (√(−(P/2)+((√(P^2 −4Q))/2)))=((abc)/δ)=R  r_1 =R−(((b−c)(√(bc)))/(2(√((a+b−c)(a−b+c)))))  r_2 =R−R=0  r_3 =R+(((b−c)(√(bc)))/(2(√((a+b−c)(a−b+c)))))  r_4 =R+R=2R    r_1  and r_3  are the same if we interchange  b and c. Could the lower value be the radius  of the circle touching the circumcircle inside  and the higher value be the radius of the  circle touching it from outside?  r_2 =0 is the radius of the circle identical  with the point A of the triangle.  But what about r_4 =2R?  Please try to construct all of them for a  given triangle, using my formulas. I′m  afraid I don′t have the time to do it myself,  and let me know if we made any mistake...′s wrong for an equilateral triangle...′s wrong for b=c...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/May/18

Thanks for the effort, let me  comprehend it all, surely its  gonna take a while !


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