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Question Number 35279 by ajfour last updated on 17/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/May/18

Given two circles of radii r and R.  The circles touch each other  internally. Triangle ABC has  its vertex A at the point where  the circles touch. Vertex B lies  on the circumference of smaller  circle of radius r while vertex C  lies on circumference of circle  of radius R.  Find maximum area of △ABC  in terms of r, and R.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/May/18

A(θ,φ)=(1/2)bcsin (θ+φ)  b=2Rsin φ  ,  c=2rsin θ  A(θ,φ)=2rRsin θsin φsin (θ+φ)  (∂A/∂θ)=2rRsin φ[cos θsin (θ+φ)              +sin θcos (θ+φ)]=0  ⇒ sin φ=0,π  or         sin (2θ+φ)=0  similarly  (∂A/∂φ)=0 ⇒   sin θ=0,π  or   sin (2φ+θ)=0  for our case  ⇒  2θ+φ=π  and  2φ+θ=π  ⇒  θ+φ=((2π)/3)   So  θ=φ=(π/3)  A=(2rR)(((3(√3))/8)) =((3(√3)rR)/4) .


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