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Question Number 35294 by ajfour last updated on 17/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 17/May/18

Find moment of inertia of a  square plate if its density at a  point (say P) is proportional to the  distance of that point from  vertex A.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

lets take the rotational axis the  y axis. A the origin.  dI=ρx^2 (dy)(dx)  let  ρ=kr  ⇒  I = k ∫_0 ^(  a) [∫_0 ^(  a) x^2 (√(x^2 +y^2 )) dy]dx     or  let x=rcos θ  ,  y=rsin θ  I=∫_0 ^(  π/4) [∫_0 ^(  asec θ) kr(r^2 cos^2 θ)(rdr)]dθ   +∫_(π/4) ^(  π/2) [∫_0 ^(  acosec θ) kr(r^2 cos^2 θ)rdr]dθ  =((ka^5 )/5)[∫_0 ^(  π/4) sec^3 θdθ+∫_(π/4) ^(  π/2) cot^2 θcosec^3 θdθ]  =((ka^5 )/5)(I_1 +I_2 )  I_1 =∫_0 ^(  π/4) sec θsec^2 θdθ    =sec θtan θ∣_0 ^(π/4) −∫_0 ^(  π/4) (sec^2 θ−1)sec θdθ  ⇒ 2I_1 =(√2)+ln ∣sec θ+tan θ∣_0 ^(π/4)   ⇒ I_1 =((√2)/2)+(1/2)ln (1+(√2))  I_2 = ∫_(π/4) ^(  π/2) cot^2 θcosec^3 θdθ  let φ=(π/2)−θ   ⇒  dφ=−dθ    I_2 =∫_0 ^(  π/4) tan^2 θsec^3 θdθ  let  tan θ=t   ⇒  dt=sec^2 θdθ       =∫_0 ^(  1) t^2 (√(1+t^2 )) dt       =(t^3 /3)(√(1+t^2 )) ∣_0 ^1 −∫_0 ^(  1) (t^3 /3)×(t/(√(1+t^2 )))dt    3I_2 =(√2)−∫_0 ^(  1) ((t^4 −1)/(√(1+t^2 )))dt−∫_0 ^(  1) (dt/(√(1+t^2 )))  3I_2 = (√2)−∫_0 ^(  1) (t^2 −1)(√(1+t^2 )) dt−∫(dt/(√(1+t^2 )))  4I_2 = (√2)+∫_0 ^(  1) (√(1+t^2 ))−∫_0 ^(  1) (dt/(√(1+t^2 )))        = (√2)+((t/2)(√(1+t^2 )))∣_0 ^1 +(1/2)ln ∣t+(√(1+t^2 ))∣_0 ^1                                 −ln ∣t+(√(1+t^2 ))∣_0 ^1   ⇒ I_2 =((√2)/4)+((√2)/8)−(1/8)ln (1+(√2))  As     I=((ka^5 )/5)(I_1 +I_2 )       I=((ka^5 )/5)[((√2)/2)+(1/2)ln (1+(√2))+                 +((√2)/4)+((√2)/8)−(1/8)ln (1+(√2))]   ⇒  I = ((ka^5 )/(40))[7(√2)+3ln (1+(√2)] .


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