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Question Number 35357 by Rio Mike last updated on 18/May/18

Q_1 . find the term in x^6  in the   expansion of (x^2 +(2/x))^9   Q_2 . in the binomial expansion of   (x+(k/x))^6 , the term independent of x  is 160 find the value of k.  Q_3 . find the constand term in the  binomial of (x+(3/x))^(12) .


Answered by MJS last updated on 18/May/18

(a+b)^n =Σ_(k=0) ^n  ((n),(k) )×a^(n−k) b^k   (x^p +(r/x^q ))^n =(1/x^(nq) )(x^(p+q) +r)^n =  =(1/x^(nq) )×Σ_(k=0) ^n  ((n),(k) )×r^k ×(x^(p+q) )^(n−k) =  =(1/x^(nq) )×Σ_(k=0) ^n  ((n),(k) )×r^k ×x^((p+q)(n−k)) =  =Σ_(k=0) ^n  ((n),(k) )×r^k ×x^(np−k(p+q))     (x^2 +(2/x))^9 =            [n=9; p=2; q=1; r=2]  =Σ_(k=0) ^9  ((9),(k) )×2^k x^(18−3k)   18−3k=6 ⇒ k=4   ((9),(4) )×2^4 =((9!)/(4!×5!))×16=2016    (x+(k/x))^6  let k=r to avoid confusion  (x+(r/x))^6 =            [n=6; p=1; q=1]  =Σ_(k=0) ^6  ((6),(k) )×r^k x^(6−2k)   6−2k=0 ⇒ k=3   ((6),(3) )×r^3 =160  ((6!)/((3!)^2 ))r^3 =160  20r^3 =160  r^3 =8  r=2  so the searched k=2    (x+(3/x))^(12) =            [n=12; p=1; q=1; r=3]  =Σ_(k=0) ^(12)  (((12)),(k) )×3^k x^(12−2k)   12−2k=0 ⇒ k=6  ((12!)/((6!)^2 ))3^6 =924×729=673596


Answered by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

Q.1)  (x^2 +(2/x))^9 =ΣT_(r+1) =Σ_(r=0) ^9 ^9 C_r (x^2 )^r ((2/x))^(9−r)     for T_(r+1)  to have  x^6 ,         2r−9+r=6    ⇒   r=5  coefficient =^9 C_5 ×2^4  =126×16       =2016 .  Q.2)    (x+(k/x))^6 =Σ_(r=0) ^6 T_(r+1) =Σ_(r=0) ^6  ^6 C_r x^r ((k/x))^(6−k)   for term independent of x         r=6−r  ⇒ r=3  coeff. of term with x^0  =^6 C_3 k^3 =160         ⇒ 20k^3 =160     or    k=2  Q.3)  (x+(3/x))^(12) =Σ_(r=0) ^(12) T_(r+1) =Σ_(r=0) ^(12)  ^(12) C_r x^r ((3/x))^(12−r)   for term with x^0  ,      r+12−r=0   ⇒  r=6        the term =^(12) C_6 (3^6 )     =((7×8×9×10×11×12)/(6×5×4×3×2))×81×9     =((7×8×9×11)/6)×81×9     = 84×11×9×81     = 673596 .


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