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Question Number 35390 by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

Find maximum area of △ABC.  The ellipse equation is (x^2 /a^2 )+(y^2 /b^2 )=1 .


Commented by MJS last updated on 18/May/18

lol. I solved this some years ago, not knowing  that Steiner solved it long before me.  all triangles with barycenter in the center  of the ellipse are of equal area.  I will post my proof but it might take some  time.  google Steiner−ellipse or look it up on   Wikipedia


Commented by MJS last updated on 18/May/18

btw I′m still engaged with that other problem...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

so kind of you Sir!


Commented by MJS last updated on 18/May/18

start with a circle with radius a  x^2 +(y^∗ )^2 =a^2   insert an equilateral triangle A^∗ B^∗ C^∗  with  A^∗ = ((x_A ),((y_A ^∗ =(a/b)y_A )) ) ; B^∗ = ((x_B ),((y_B ^∗ =(a/b)y_B )) ) ;C^∗ = ((x_C ),((y_C ^∗ =(a/b)y_C )) )  now transform y=(b/a)y^∗   the circle becomes the ellipse       with area_(ell) =(b/a)×area_(circle) =abπ  the equilateral triangle becomes the given one       with area_△ =(b/a)×area_(equi△)   it should be easy to see that the barycenter  stays in place and all possible triangles  have the same area.    I will post some equations for calculating  both directions: find smallest ellipse to a  given triangle and find the angle and ratio  to transform a equilateral triangle into  any triangle... just give me some time to  find these formulas within the chaos in my  library...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 18/May/18

A=(1/2)×a(√3)×(((3a)/2))((b/a))       =((3(√3)ab)/4) .  Understood Sir, thank you !


Answered by rahul 19 last updated on 18/May/18

((3(√3))/4) ab .


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 19/May/18

 Got the same answer by assuming  triangle to be isosceles !:)


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