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Question Number 35646 by ajfour last updated on 21/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 21/May/18

Find the equation of the parabola  that touches the three circles; (the  larger circle at the vertex).


Commented by last updated on 22/May/18

vertex=(0,−R)  the centre of other two circle{(R+r)sinθ,−  (R+r)cosθ} and{−(R+r)sinθ,−(R+r)cosθ}  if we can find the points where the parabola  touches the small circle then the equation of  parabola can be found  the eauation of parabola  x^2 =−4A(y+R)  this equation passes through vertex and two  cintact point  pls comment....


Answered by ajfour last updated on 22/May/18

Let required eq. of parabola be            y=Ax^2 −R  slope of common tangent to  small circle on right and parabola is  m=−(((x−(R+r)sin θ)/(y+(R+r)cos θ)))=2Ax  ..(i)  and         [y+(R+r)cos θ]^2 =r^2 −[x−(R+r)sin θ]^2                                         .......(ii)  using (ii) in (i)   4A^2 x^2 [r^2 −[x−(R+r)sin θ]^2                     = [x−(R+r)sin θ]^2   let   x−(R+r)sin θ = t  4A^2 [t+(R+r)sin θ]^2 (r^2 −t^2 )−t^2 =0                                       ........(I)          because of tangency, two    roots are real and equal while  the other two are nonreal..  let real roots be=a  while complex ones p±iq ; then    −4A^2 (t−a)^2 (t−p+iq)(t−p−iq)=0  ⇒ 4A^2 (t−a)^2 (t^2 −2pt+p^2 −q^2 )=0                                     .......(II)  comparing coefficients of  quadratic  term t^2  in (I) and (II),    4A^2 r^2 −4A^2 (R+r)^2 sin^2 θ−1            =4A^2 [a^2 +(p^2 −q^2 )+4ap]  by comparing coeff. of t^3     −8A^2 (R+r)sin θ=−8pA^2 −8aA^2   ⇒  a+p=(R+r)sin θ  by comparing coeff. of t      8A^2 r^2 (R+r)sin θ=4A^2 [−2a^2 p−2a(p^2 −q^2 )]  ........  shall have to change the method,  someone help please!


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