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Question Number 35696 by Tinkutara last updated on 22/May/18

Commented by Rasheed.Sindhi last updated on 22/May/18

Mr Tinkutara,  ^• I′ve tried many attempts to your  Q#34870. I could be able to complete   only one solution under the topic,  ′Pattern approach′.Other attempts  are almost deleteable.  ^• I′ve produced an other soution of   the Q#34760 using hint provided  with the question.  Pl see if you didn′t.

MrTinkutara,IvetriedmanyattemptstoyourYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeonlyonesolutionunderthetopic,Patternapproach.Otherattemptsarealmostdeleteable.IveproducedanothersoutionofYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modewiththequestion.Plseeifyoudidnt.

Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/May/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/May/18

2x+y=1  x−2y=3  intersection (h,k)  h=1, k=−1  tan θ=−2  ⇒  sin θ=((−2)/(√5))   ;  cos θ=(1/(√5))  u=1+((x−1)/(√5))−((2(y+1))/(√5))  v=−1+((2(x−1))/(√5))+((y+1)/(√5))  (((u−h)^2 )/4)−(((v−k)^2 )/9)=1   ⇒ 45(u−1)^2 −20(v+1)^2 =180    9(x−2y−3)^2 −4(2x+y−1)^2 =180   ⇒ (((x−2y−3)^2 )/(20))−(((2x+y−1)^2 )/(45))=1 .


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 22/May/18

@ajfour Sir: The answer is little wrong. @Rasheed Sir: I also did the first case by hit and trial only. We can do it only when c given is small.

Commented by ajfour last updated on 22/May/18



Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 22/May/18

(((x−2y−3)^2 )/(20))−(((2x+y−1)^2 )/(45))=1


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 22/May/18

Thanks Sir! It also has a shorter approach.

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