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Question Number 35986 by abdo mathsup 649 cc last updated on 26/May/18

let f(x)= (√(1 +n x^2 ))   −nx +3  with n integr  1) calculate lim_(x→+∞)  and lim_(x→−∞) f(x)  2) calculate f^′ (x)  3) give the equation of assymptote of f at  point  A(1,f(1)) .  4)calculate lim_(x→+∞)  ((f(x))/x) and lim_(x→−∞)   ((f(x))/x) .


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 31/Aug/18

1)we have lim_(x→−∞) (−nx +3)=+∞ and  lim_(x→−∞) (√(1+nx^2 ))=+∞ ⇒lim_(x→−∞)    f(x) =+∞  for x>0  (√(1+nx^2 ))=(√(nx^2 (1+(1/(nx^2 )))))  =x(√n)(√(1+(1/(nx^2 )))) ∼x(√n){1+(1/(2nx^2 ))}=x(√n) +((√n)/(2nx))  =x(√n) +(1/(2x(√n))) (x→+∞) ⇒  f(x) ∼((√n)−n)x  +(1/(2x(√n))) −3 (x→+∞)⇒  f(x) ∼−(√n)((√n)−1)x ⇒lim_(x→+∞) f(x) =−∞


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 31/Aug/18

2)∀x∈R     f^′ (x)=((2nx)/(2(√(1+nx^2 )))) −n  =  ((nx)/(√(1+nx^2 ))) −n =n{(x/(√(1+nx^2 ))) −1}.


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 31/Aug/18

3) we have f(1) =(√(1+n))−n+3  and  f^′ (x)= ((nx)/(√(1+nx^2 ))) −n ⇒f^′ (1)= (n/(√(1+n))) −n so the  equation of assymptote at point A is  y =f^′ (1)(x−1) +f(1) ⇒  y =((n/(√(1+n))) −n)(x−1) +(√(1+n)) −n +3 .


Commented by prof Abdo imad last updated on 31/Aug/18

4) we have for x>0    ((f(x))/x) =(√((1+nx^2 )/x^2 )) −n +(3/x)  =(√(n+(1/x^2 )))−n+(3/x) ⇒lim_(x→+∞)   ((f(x))/x) =(√n)−n  for x<0   ((f(x))/x)  =−(√((1+nx^2 )/x^2 )) −n +(3/x)  =−(√(n+(1/x^2 ))) −n +(3/x) ⇒lim_(n→−∞)   ((f(x))/x) =−(√n)−n .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 31/Aug/18

3) forgive equation of tangente....


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