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Question Number 36880 by Tinkutara last updated on 06/Jun/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Jun/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Jun/18

2h=acos θ+bsin θ  2k=bcos θ+asin θ  ⇒ cos θ=((2(ah−bk))/(a^2 −b^2 ))       sin θ=((2(bh−ak))/(a^2 −b^2 ))  so locus eq. is  (ax−by)^2 +(bx−ay)^2 =(((a^2 −b^2 )^2 )/4) .  doesn′t match with options..?!


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 08/Jun/18

Sir please explain first 2 lines.

Answered by last updated on 06/Jun/18

let rod length a slide on axes .it slide at(x_1 ,0)   and (0,y_1 ) at any instant  so (x_1 −0)^2 +(0−y_1 )^2 =a^2   similarly  (x_2 )^2 +(y_2 )^2 =b^2   let the centre of circle is(h,k)  since  (x−h)^2 +(y−k)^2 =r^2  passes through..^   (x_1 ,0) ,(0,y_1 ),(x_2 ,0),(0,y_2 )  (x_1 −h)^2 +(0−k)^2 =r^2   (0−h)^2 +(y_1 −k)^2 =r^2   (x_2 −h)^2 +(0−k)^2 =r^2   (0−h)^2 +(y_2 −k)^2 =r^2   (x_1 −h)^2 =(x_2 −h)^2   x_1 ^2 −2hx_1 =x_2 ^2 −2hx_2   x_1 2−x_2 ^2  −2h(x_1 −x_2 )^ =0  (x_1 −x_2 )(x_1 +x_2 −2h)=0  h=((x_1 +x_2 )/2)  h^2 +(y_1 −k)^2  =h^2 +(y_2 −k)^(2 )   (y_1 −k)^2 −(y_2 −k)^2 =0  y_1 ^2 −2y_1 k−y_2 ^2  +2y_2 k=0  (y_1 +y_2 )(y_1 −y_2 )−2k(y_1 −y_2 )=0  k=((y_1 +y_2 )/2)  x_1 ^2  +y_1 ^(2 ) =a^2   x_2 ^2  +y_2 ^2  =b^2   (x_1 +x_2 )^2 =4h^2   x_1 ^2 +x_2 ^2 +2x_1 x_2 =4h^2   y_1 ^2 +y_2 ^2  +2y_1 y_2 =4k^2    a^2 +b^2 +2(x_1 x_2 +y_1 y_2 )=4(h^2 +k^2 )  contd

letrodlengthaslideonaxes.itslideat(x1,0)and(0,y1)atanyinstantso(x10)2+(0y1)2=a2similarly(x2)2+(y2)2=b2letthecentreofcircleis(h,k)since(xh)2+(yk)2=r2passesthrough..(x1,0),(0,y1),(x2,0),(0,y2)(x1h)2+(0k)2=r2(0h)2+(y1k)2=r2(x2h)2+(0k)2=r2(0h)2+(y2k)2=r2(x1h)2=(x2h)2x122hx1=x222hx2Missing \left or extra \right(x1x2)(x1+x22h)=0h=x1+x22h2+(y1k)2=h2+(y2k)2(y1k)2(y2k)2=0y122y1ky22+2y2k=0(y1+y2)(y1y2)2k(y1y2)=0k=y1+y22x12+y12=a2x22+y22=b2(x1+x2)2=4h2x12+x22+2x1x2=4h2y12+y22+2y1y2=4k2a2+b2+2(x1x2+y1y2)=4(h2+k2)contd

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