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Question Number 38899 by math khazana by abdo last updated on 01/Jul/18

find ∫_0 ^π ln(2+cost)dt and ∫_0 ^π ln(2−cost)dt


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jul/18

let I = ∫_0 ^π  ln(2+cost)dt  I =πln(2)  +∫_0 ^π ln(1 +(1/2) cost)t   let ntroduce the parametric function  f(x) = ∫_0 ^π ln(1+xcost)dt we have  I =f((1/2))  (we take ∣x∣<1)  f^′ (x) = ∫_0 ^π   ((cost)/(1+x cost))dt = (1/x) ∫_0 ^π    ((1+xcost −1)/(1+x cost))dt  =(π/x) −(1/x) ∫_0 ^π    (dt/(1 +x cost)) dt but changement tan((t/2))=u give  ∫_0 ^π    (dt/(1+x cost)) = ∫_0 ^∞     (1/(1+x((1−u^2 )/(1+u^2 )))) ((2du)/(1+u^2 ))  =∫_0 ^∞        ((2du)/(1+u^2  +x(1−u^2 ))) = ∫_0 ^∞      ((2du)/(1+x +(1−x)u^2 ))   =(2/(1+x)) ∫_0 ^∞      (du/(1+((1−x)/(1+x))u^2 )) =_((√(((1−x)/(1+x))u))=α)    (2/(1+x)) ∫_0 ^∞       (1/(1+α^2 )) (√((1+x)/(1−x)))dα  = (2/(√(1−x^2 ))) (π/2)  = (π/(√(1−x^2 ))) ⇒ f^′ (x) = (π/x)  −(1/x) (π/(√(1−x^2 ))) ⇒  f(x) = πln∣x∣  − π  ∫_     (dx/(x(√(1−x^2 )))) +c  ∫     (dx/(x(√(1−x^2 ))))  =_(x=sinθ)    ∫      ((cosθ dθ)/(sinθ cosθ)) = ∫    (dθ/(sinθ)) =_(tan((θ/2))=u)   ∫   (1/((2u)/(1+u^2 ))) ((2du)/(1+u^2 ))  =∫  (du/u) =ln∣u∣ =ln∣tan((θ/2))∣ = ln∣ tan( ((arcinx)/(2 )))∣ ⇒  f(x) =π ln∣x∣ −π ln∣tan(((arcsinx)/2))∣ +c    we have f(1) =c = ∫_0 ^π ln(1+cosx)dx =∫_0 ^π ln(2cos^2 ((x/2)))dx  =πln(2)  +2 ∫_0 ^π  ln( cos((x/2)))dx  =_((x/2)=t)    πln(2) +2 ∫_0 ^(π/2)  ln(cost) (2dt)=πln(2) +4(−(π/2)ln(2))  =−π ln(2) ⇒ f(x)=πln∣x∣ −πln∣ tan( ((arcsinx)/2))∣ −πln(2)  I =f((1/2)) =−2πln(2) −π ln∣ tan((π/(12)))∣  cos^2 ((π/(12))) = ((1+cos((π/6)))/2) = ((1+((√3)/2))/2) =((2+(√3))/4) ⇒cos((π/(12)))=((√(2+(√3)))/2)  sin^2 ((π/(12))) = ((1−cos((π/6)))/2) =((1−((√3)/2))/2) =((2−(√3))/4) ⇒sin((π/(12))) =((√(2−(√3)))/2)  tan((π/(12))) = ((√(2−(√3)))/(√(2+(√3)))) = ((2−(√3))/(√(4−3))) =2−(√3).⇒  I  =−2πln(2)−π ln(2−(√3))


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jul/18

let  J  = ∫_0 ^π  ln(2−cost)dt  J = π ln(2) + ∫_0 ^π   ln(1−(1/2)cost)dt =πln(2) +f(−(1/2))  =πln(2) +f((1/2)) ( f is odd)  =πln(2) −2πln(2) −πln(2−(√3))=−π ln(2)−πln(2−(√3))


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jul/18

I = πln(2) +f((1/2)) =−π ln(2)−πln(2−(√3)) .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 11/Jul/18

f is even .


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