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Question Number 39039 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 01/Jul/18

let f(x) =(1/(1+∣sinx∣))   (2π periodic even)  developp f at fourier serie .


Commented by abdo mathsup 649 cc last updated on 05/Jul/18

f(x)= (a_0 /2)  +Σ_(n=1) ^∞  a_n  cos(nx)  with  a_n = (2/T) ∫_([T])   f(x)cos(nx)dx  =(2/(2π)) ∫_(−π) ^π   (1/(1 +∣sinx∣)) cos(nx)dx  =(2/π)  ∫_0 ^π     ((cos(nx))/(1+sinx))dx ⇒(π/2)a_n = ∫_0 ^π   ((cos(nx))/(1+sinx))dx  but ∫_0 ^π  ((cos(nx))/(1+sinx))dx =Re( ∫_0 ^π   (e^(inx) /(1+sinx))dx)  changement x=2t give  ∫_0 ^π     (e^(inx) /(1+sinx))dx = ∫_0 ^(2π)    ((2e^(i2nt) )/(1+sin(2t)))dt also  chang. e^(it) =z give  ∫_0 ^(2π)    ((2 e^(i2nt) )/(1+sin(2t)))dt = ∫_(∣z∣=1)      ((2 z^(2n) )/(1+((z^2 −z^(−2) )/(2i)))) (dz/(iz))  = ∫_(∣z∣=1)      ((4i z^(2n) )/(iz( 2i+z^2 −z^(−2) )))dz  = ∫_(∣z∣=1)      ((4z^(2n−1) )/(2i +z^2 −(1/z^2 ))) dz  = ∫_(∣z∣=1)      ((4 z^(2n+1) )/(2iz^2  +z^4  −1))dz  let  ϕ(z) = ((4z^(2n+1) )/(z^4  +2iz^2  −1))  ϕ(z) = ((4z^(2n+1) )/((z^2 +i)^2 )) = ((4 z^(2n+1) )/((z−(√(−i)))^2 (2+(√(−i)))^2 ))  = ((4 z^(2n+1) )/((z −e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^2 (z +e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^2 )) so ϕ have a double  poles +^(− )  e^(−((iπ)/4))   ∫_(∣z∣=1)    ϕ(2)dz =2iπ{ Res(ϕ,e^(−((iπ)/4)) ) +Res(ϕ,−e^(−((iπ)/4)) )}


Commented by abdo mathsup 649 cc last updated on 05/Jul/18

Res(ϕ, e^(−((iπ)/4)) )=lim_(z→ e^(−((iπ)/4)) )  { (z −e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^2 ϕ(z)}^((1))   =lim_(z→ e^(−((iπ)/4)) )    {  ((4 z^(2n+1) )/((z+e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^2 ))}^((1))   =lim_(z→e^(−((iπ)/4)) )  4 (((2n+1)z^(2n) (z +e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^2  −2(z+e^(−((iπ)/4)) )z^(2n+1) )/((z +e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^4 ))  =lim_(z→e^(−((iπ)/4)) )   4 (((2n+1)z^(2n) (z +e^(−((iπ)/4)) )−2 z^(2n+1) )/((z +e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^3 ))  =4(((2n+1) e^(−((inπ)/2))  (2 e^(−((iπ)/4)) ) −2 e^(−i(((2n+1)π)/4)) )/((2e^(−((iπ)/4)) )^3 ))  =8(((2n+1) e^(−i((n/2) +(1/4))π)   −e^(−i(((2n+1)π)/4)) )/(8 e^(−i((3π)/4)) ))  = ((2n e^(−i(((2n+1)π)/4)) )/e^(−i((3π)/4)) ) =2n  e^(−i{((2n+1)/4)+(3/4)}π)   =2n  e^(−i (((n+2)π)/2))   =−2n e^(−((inπ)/2))   =−2n{cos(((nπ)/2))−i sin(((nπ)/2))}


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