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Question Number 39156 by rahul 19 last updated on 03/Jul/18

Answered by MJS last updated on 03/Jul/18

f(x)=c_3 x^3 +c_2 x^2 +c_1 x+c_0   f′(x)=3c_3 x^2 +2c_2 x+c_1   we have  1. f′(−1)=0  2. f′(1)=0  3. f(−1)=10  4./f(3)=−22    1. 3c_3 −2c_2 +c_1 =0  2. 3c_3 +2c_2 +c_1 =0  3. −c_3 +c_2 −c_1 +c_0 =10  4. 27c_3 +9c_2 +3c_1 +c_0 =−22    1. c_1 =2c_2 −3c_3   2. 3c_3 +2c_2 +2c_2 −3c_3 =0 ⇒ c_2 =0; c_1 =−3c_3   3. 2c_3 +c_0 =10 ⇒ c_0 =10−2c_3   4. c_3 =−2 ⇒ c_0 =14 ⇒ c_1 =6    f(x)=−2x^3 +6x+14  horizontal tangents pass through   (((−1)),((f(−1)=10)) ) and  ((1),((f(1)=18)) )  distance=8; (1/4) distance=2


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 03/Jul/18

Thank you sir :)


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