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Question Number 39222 by last updated on 04/Jul/18

Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 04/Jul/18

1)  f is defined on [0,1[  f^′ (x)=((((−1)/(2(√(1−x))))(1−(√x)) −(√(1−x))(((−1)/(2(√x)))))/((1−(√x))^2 ))  =((−2(√x)(1−(√x))+2(1−x))/(4(√x)(√(1−x))(1−(√x))^2 )) =((−2(√x) +2x +2−2x)/(4(√x)(√(1−x))(1−(√x))^2 ))  = (2/(4(√x)(√(1−x))(1−(√x)))) >0 ⇒ f is increasing on[0,1[  f(o)= 1 and   lim _(x→1^− ) f(x) =lim_(x→1^− )    ((√(1−x))/(1−(√x)))  =lim_(x→1^− )      (((−1)/(2(√(1−x))))/(−(1/(2(√x))))) = lim_(x→1^− )    ((2(√x))/(2(√(1−x))))  =lim_(x→1^− )      ((√x)/(√(1−x))) = +∞ ⇒  f([0,1[)=[1,+∞[ .  2)f(x)=y ⇔ x=f^(−1) (y) ⇒ ((√(1−x))/(1−(√x)))=y ⇒  (√( ((1−x)/((1−(√x))^2 ))))  =y ⇒ ((1−x)/(1+x−2(√x))) =y^2   let  (√x)=t ⇒ ((1−t^2 )/(1+t^2  −2t))=y^2  ⇒  1−t^2  =y^2  +y^2 t^2 −2y^2 t ⇒  (1+y^2 )t^2  −2y^2 t +y^2  −1=0  Δ^′  =y^4 −(y^2  +1)(y^2 −1)=y^4  −(y^4 −1)=1  t_1^   =((y^(2 )  +1)/(1+y^2 )) =1 and t_2 = ((y^2 −1)/(y^2  +1))  ⇒x =1  or x=(((y^2 −1)/(y^2  +1)))^2   f^(−1) is not constant ⇒  f^(−1) (x) = {((x^2  −1)/(x^2  +1))}^2 .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 04/Jul/18

3)let I = ∫_0 ^((√2)/2)   ((√(1−x))/(1−(√x)))dx  changement (√x)=t give  I = ∫_0 ^(1/((^4 (√2))))  ((√(1−t^2 ))/(1−t)) 2t dt  I =−2 ∫_0 ^2^(−(1/4))   ((1−t−1)/(1−t))(√(1−t^2 )) dt  =−2 ∫_0 ^2^(−(1/4))   (√(1−t^2  ))  + 2 ∫_0 ^2^(−(1/4))   ((√(1−t^2 ))/(1−t)) dt  ∫_0 ^2^(−(1/4))   (√(1−t^2 ))dt =_(t=sinα)    ∫_0 ^(arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) ))  cosα cosα dα  = (1/2) ∫_0 ^(arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) ))  (1+cos(2α))dα=(1/2)arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) )  +(1/4) sin(2arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) ))  ∫_0 ^(2^(−(1/4))  )  ((√(1−t^2 ))/(1−t))  =_(t=sinα)   ∫_0 ^(arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) ))    ((cosα)/(1−sinα)) cosα dα  = ∫_0 ^(arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) ))  ((1−sin^2 α)/(1−sinα)) dα =∫_0 ^(arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) )) (1+sinα)dα  =arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) )  +[−cosα]_0 ^(arsin(2^(−(1/4)) ))   =arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) )  +1−cos(arcsin(2^(−(1/4)) )) so the value of I is known.


Commented by last updated on 04/Jul/18

dear pro.abdo!thank you for hard work  god bless you sir.what do you think   about #4 ?^

dearpro.abdo!thankyouforhardworkgodblessyousir.whatdoyouthinkYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode

Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 04/Jul/18

for x=y we get  f^2 (4x) =((1−f(2x))/((1−f(x))^2 ))  x=(1/8) ⇒f^2 ((1/2))=(((1/(√2))/(1−(1/(√2)))))^2 =((1/((√2)−1)))^2 =(1/(3−2(√2)))  ((1−f(2x))/((1−f(x))^2 )) = ((1−f((1/4)))/((1−f((1/8)))^2 ))  butf((1/4))=(((√3)/2)/(1/2)) =(√3)  f((1/8))=(((√7)/(√8))/(1−(1/(√8)))) = ((√7)/(2(√2) −1)) ⇒1−f((1/8))  =1−((√7)/(2(√2)−1)) = ((2(√2)−1−(√7))/(2(√2))) ⇒(1−f((1/8)))^2   =(((2(√2)−1−(√7))/(2(√2))))^2  and its clear that  f^2 (4x)=((1−f(2x))/((1−f(x))^2 )) is not true withx=(1/8)  so tbe equality is not correct.


Commented by math khazana by abdo last updated on 04/Jul/18

nevermind sir Behi.


Answered by MJS last updated on 04/Jul/18

y=((√(1−x))/(1−(√x))) ⇒ x∈[0; 1[ ∧ y∈[1; +∞[  f^(−1) (x)=(((x^2 −1)/(x^2 +1)))^2 with x∈[1; +∞[ ∧ y∈[0; 1[  ∫((√(1−x))/(1−(√x)))dx=∫(((1+(√x))(√(1−x)))/((1+(√x))(1−(√x))))dx=  =∫(((√(1−x))+(√(x−x^2 )))/(1−x))dx=∫(dx/(√(1−x)))+∫(√(x/(1−x)))dx=       [t=(√x) → dx=2(√x)dt]  2∫(t/(√(1−t^2 )))dt+2∫(t^2 /(√(1−t^2 )))dt=         2∫(t/(√(1−t^2 )))dt=−2(√(1−t^2 ))=−2(√(1−x))       2∫(t^2 /(√(1−t^2 )))dt=            [u=arcsin t → dt=(√(1−t^2 ))du]       =2∫sin^2  u du=u−sin u cos u =       =arcsin t −t(√(1−t^2 ))=arcsin (√(x ))−(√x)(√(1−x))    =arcsin (√(x ))−(2+(√x))(√(1−x))+C    ∫_0 ^((√2)/2) ((√(1−x))/(1−(√x)))dx≈1.46146  but ∫_0 ^1 ((√(1−x))/(1−(√x)))dx=2+(π/2)    (4) is not true for the given function


Commented by last updated on 04/Jul/18

thank you so much dear MJS!  god bless you sir.  #4,for what?please!

thankyousomuchdearMJS!godblessyousir.You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode

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