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Question Number 39300 by last updated on 05/Jul/18

Answered by MrW3 last updated on 05/Jul/18

a square can inscribe every triangle.  so the question is  if it is possible to build a triangle   whose sides are three consecutive odd  (or even) numbers.  a=n  b=n+2  c=n+4  for this to be possible, we must have  a+b>c⇒2n+2>n+4⇒n>2  b+c>a⇒2n+6>n⇒n>−6  c+a>b⇒2n+4>n+2⇒n>−2  that means n≥3.  so the answer is yes.    if additionally the triangle should only  have acute angles, we must have  (n+4)^2 ≤n^2 +(n+2)^2   n^2 +8n+16≤n^2 +n^2 +4n+4  n^2 −4n−12≥0  (n+2)(n−6)≥0  n≥6


Commented by last updated on 05/Jul/18

dear master! thanks a lot.I got the  answer.  can we prove the first statement?


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 05/Jul/18

Statement:  In every triangle it is possible to  find an inscribing square.   Proof:  In every triangle there are at least  two acute angles. Assume the side  length between these two acute angles  is a, and corresponding altitude is h.  DE=(x/h)×a  DF=h−x  DE=DF  (x/h)a=h−x  ⇒x=(h/(h+a))×h  0<x<h  i.e. there is a x=(h/(h+a))×a with which  DEGF is a square.  Since ∠B and ∠C are acute,  ⇒F and G lie on the side BC,  i.e. DEGF is an inscribing square.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 05/Jul/18

Commented by last updated on 05/Jul/18

thanks in advance dear master.  nice proof.I think it is the first proof  to this statement.


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