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Question Number 39626 by ajfour last updated on 08/Jul/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 09/Jul/18

Find b in terms of a and R .  What is a in terms of R if a+b=R.


Answered by ajfour last updated on 09/Jul/18

eq. of ABC :     −(x/a)+(y/b)=1  ⇒      y = b(1+(x/a))  eq. of circle:     x^2 +y^2 =R^2   Let C≡(h,k)  h^2 +b^2 (1+(h/a))^2 =R^2        ....(i)  E((R/2), (b/2))  lies in line CEF  eq. of CEF          y=((((b/2)+R)/(R/2)))x−R  C lies on both lines, hence  b(1+(h/a))=((b/R)+2)h−R  h((b/R)−(b/a)+2)=b+R  h= ((b+R)/(((b/R)−(b/a)+2)))  let (b/a)=z    and  (R/a)=p  then   h = ((a(z+p))/((z/p)−z+2)) = ((a(pz+p^2 ))/((1−p)z+2p))  substituting in (i)    [((a(pz+p^2 ))/((1−p)z+2p))]^2 +b^2 [1+((pz+p^2 )/((1−p)z+2p))]^2 =R^2     [(((pz+p^2 ))/((1−p)z+2p))]^2 +z^2 [1+((pz+p^2 )/((1−p)z+2p))]^2 =p^2   solving above eq. we would get        z = (b/a) in terms of p =(R/a)  but if a+b=R  then  a+az = ap  ⇒     z = p−1  ⇒   ((p^2 (2p−1)^2 )/([2p−(1−p)^2 ]^2 )) +(p−1)^2  [1+((p(2p−1))/(2p−(1−p)^2 ))]^2 =p^2   p^2 (2p−1)^2 +(p−1)^2 (p^2 +3p−1)^2                          =p^2 (4p−1−p^2 )^2   p^3 (6p−p^2 −2)(2−p)=(p^3 +2p^2 −4p+1)^2   ⇒ p^6 −8p^5 +14p^4 −4p^3 =p^6 +4p^4 +16p^2         +1+4p^5 −16p^3 −8p−8p^4 +4p^2 +2p^3   ⇒ 12p^5 −18p^4 −10p^3 +20p^2 −8p+1=0  ⇒  p ≈ 1.49438      and   (a/R)=(1/p)  ⇒  a≈ 0.669R .


Commented by ajfour last updated on 09/Jul/18

MrW3 Sir, please help check this  solution..


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 10/Jul/18

I couldn′t find any mistake.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 10/Jul/18

Thank you so much Sir; it is  correct then.


Answered by MJS last updated on 10/Jul/18

R=1  A= (((−a)),(0) )B= ((0),(b) ) D= ((1),(0) ) E= (((1/2)),((b/2)) )  F= ((0),((−1)) )  line AB  l_1 : y=(b/a)x+b  line EF  l_2 : y=(b+2)x−1  C=l_1 ∩l_2 = ((((a(b+1))/(a(b+2)−b))),((((a(b+2)+1)b)/(a(b+2)−b))) )  C on circle x^2 +y^2 −1=0  (I)  ((a(b+1)(a(b^3 +3b^2 +b−3)+2b(b+2)))/((a(b+2)−b)^2 ))=0       [a=0 ∨ b=−1 not of further interest]       [a(b+2)−b≠0 ⇒ a≠(b/(b+2)) ⇔ b≠((2a)/(1−a))]  this can easily be solved for a  a=((2b(b+2))/(3−b−3b^2 −b^3 )) ⇒ C= ((((2(b+2))/(b^2 +4b+5))),((((b+1)(b+3))/(b^2 +4b+5))) )  but for b it leads to  b^3 +((3a+2)/a)b^2 +((a+4)/a)b−3=0  which can′t be generally solved    with a+b=1 ⇒ b=1−a we get  (I)  ((a(a−2)(a^4 −6a^3 +8a^2 +6a−6))/((a^2 −4a+1)^2 ))=0       [a=0 ∨ a=2 not of further interest]       [a^2 −4a+1≠0 ⇒ a≠2−(√3) ∧ a≠2+(√3)]  a^4 −6a^3 +8a^2 +6a−6=0  again this can be exactly solved but with the  usual difficulties, approximately we get  a≈.669174       [a≈−.895728 not of further interest]


Commented by ajfour last updated on 10/Jul/18

Thank you Sir. I was bit worried.


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