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Question Number 40170 by ajfour last updated on 16/Jul/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Jul/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Jul/18

p=(1/(2sin α))      q=(1/(2sin β))  lets take B as origin and  x-axis leftwards, y-axis upwards;  eq. of red circle:  (y−(1/(2tan α)))^2 +(x−(1/2))^2 =p^2   similarly eq. of blue circle:  (y−(1/2))^2 +(x−(1/(2tan β)))^2 =q^2   eq. of common chord:  ((1/2)−(1/(2tan α)))(2y−(1/2)−(1/(2tan α)))      −((1/2)−(1/(2tan β)))(2x−(1/2)−(1/(2tan β)))      =p^2 −q^2   slope of chord is       tan θ = (((1/2)−(1/(2tan β)))/((1/2)−(1/(2tan α))))  ⇒  tan θ = ((tan α)/(tan β))(((tan β−1)/(tan α−1)))  Now   (a/(sin θ)) =(1/(sin α))    ⇒   a = ((sin 𝛉)/(sin 𝛂))   a =((cos α(tan β−1))/(√(tan^2 α(tan β−1)^2 +tan^2 β(tan α−1)^2 )))   (c/(cos θ))=(1/(sin β))  c = ((cos 𝛃(tan α−1))/(√(tan^2 α(tan β−1)^2 +tan^2 β(tan α−1)^2 )))   ....


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 16/Jul/18

nice illustration sir!  P is the intersection of two circles,  thus we only need α and β or α and γ  to determine point P and then a,b,c,d.


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 16/Jul/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 17/Jul/18

(1/(sin α))=(b/(sin (α+θ)))  ⇒b=((sin (α+θ))/(sin α))=cos θ+((sin θ)/(tan α))  (1/(sin β))=(b/(sin (β+(π/2)−θ)))  ⇒b=((sin [(π/2)−(θ−β)])/(sin β))=((cos (θ−β))/(sin β))=((cos θ)/(tan β))+sin θ  cos θ+((sin θ)/(tan α))=((cos θ)/(tan β))+sin θ  tan β (1−tan α) sin θ=tan α (1−tan β) cos θ  ⇒tan θ=((tan α (1−tan β))/(tan β (1−tan α)))=((1−cot β)/(1−cot α))  ⇒sin θ=((1−cot β)/(√((1−cot α)^2 +(1−cot β)^2 )))  ⇒cos θ=((1−cot α)/(√((1−cot α)^2 +(1−cot β)^2 )))  ⇒θ=tan^(−1) ((1−cot β)/(1−cot α))  (a/(sin θ))=(1/(sin α))  ⇒a=((sin θ)/(sin α))  ⇒a=((1−cot β)/(sin α (√((1−cot α)^2 +(1−cot β)^2 ))))  b=cos θ+((sin θ)/(tan α))  ⇒b=((1−cot α cot β)/(√((1−cot α)^2 +(1−cot β)^2 )))  (c/(sin ((π/2)−θ)))=(1/(sin β))  ⇒c=((cos θ)/(sin β))  ⇒c=((1−cot α)/(sin β (√((1−cot α)^2 +(1−cot β)^2 ))))  ⇒d=((1−cot α)/(sin γ (√((1−cot γ)^2 +(1−cot α)^2 ))))    but d can also be expressed without γ:  ⇒x=b cos θ  ⇒y=b sin θ  ⇒d=(√((1−x)^2 +(1−y)^2 ))  =(√(2+x^2 +y^2 −2(x+y)))  =(√(2+b^2 −2b(cos θ+sin θ)))  ⇒d=(√(2+(((1−cot α cot β)[5−2(cot α+cot β)])/((1−cot α)^2 +(1−cot β)^2 ))))  i.e. we only need two parameters from  α,β,γ to determine a,b,c,d.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 16/Jul/18

Very enlightening Sir!


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