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Question Number 40519 by rahul 19 last updated on 23/Jul/18

Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 23/Jul/18

If the resistance of larger loop is R,  find current in it as a function of time?


Answered by ajfour last updated on 23/Jul/18

M_(ab) =M_(ba)   let current I flow in larger loop;  magnetic flux through smaller  loop is then  φ=((μ_0 I)/(2b))(πa^2 )=M_(ab) I  ⇒    M_(ba) =((μ_0 πa^2 )/(2b))  Now due to current in smaller  loop i=2t  induced emf in larger  loop is   V_b =M_(ba)  (di/dt) = 2M_(ba)   hence    V_b =((μ_0 πa^2 )/(2b))×2  current in larger loop is then       =(V_b /R) = ((μ_0 πa^2 )/(bR)) .


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 23/Jul/18

thank you both sirs ������

Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 23/Jul/18

This result shows current independent  of time in larger loop. But if we take some instant  say t=0 , then why  will current flow ?  ?And what about t=∞ ?.....


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Jul/18

induced emf Will depend on rate  of change of current in neighbouring  coil.  what if velocity be v=2t  the force at t=0  and t→∞ will  then be =m((d(2v))/dt)=2m.  dont be surprised!


Commented by rahul 19 last updated on 23/Jul/18

Current in smaller loop at t=0 is 0.  and there is also no battery connected to larger loop then  what is the source of current in larger loop  at t=0 ?


Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Jul/18

rate of change of magnetic flux  owing to rate of change of current  in smaller loop; which is still not  zero.


Commented by last updated on 23/Jul/18

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