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Question Number 40551 by ajfour last updated on 24/Jul/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Jul/18

A chain of mass m, length l  hangs the table edge only as much  so that it just starts slipping  down. Friction coefficient   between chain and table being 𝛍.  Find speed of chain as end B of  chain reaches the table corner.


Commented by last updated on 24/Jul/18

let when time=t    y length of chain suspended  l−y  length on the tablle  so wt of hanging chain is (m/l)yg↓  force on chain on table  are  1)(m/l)(l−y)g↓  2)friction μ((m/l))(l−y)g  3)forward force which cause the chain to   move=(m/l)yg  so acc=(((m/l)yg−μ((m/l))(l−y)g)/m)=v(dv/dy)  (g/l)y−((μg)/l)(l−y)=v(dv/dy)  ∫(g/l)ydy−∫μgdy+((μg)/l)∫ydy=∫vdv  now initial suspended lenth of chain say y_0   so as per question  (m/l)y_0 g=μ(m/l)(l−y_0 )g  y_0 =μ(l−y_0 )  y_0 =((μl)/(1+μ))  wait i am intregating...  (g/l)∫_((μl)/(1+μ)) ^l ydy  −μg∫_((μl)/(1+μ)) ^l dy+((μg)/l)∫_((μl)/(1+μ)) ^l ydy=∫_0 ^v vdv  (g/(2l))∣(y^2 )∣_((μl)/(1+μ)) ^l −μg(l−((μl)/(1+μ)))+((μg)/(2l)){(l^2 −(((μl)/(1+μ)))^2 }=(v^2 /2)  (g/(2l)){l^2 −((μ^2 l^2 )/((1+μ)^2 ))}−μg((l/(1+μ)))+((μg)/(2l)){l^2 −((μ^2 l^2 )/((1+μ)^2 ))}  (g/(2l))(1+μ)l^2 (((1+2μ+μ^2 −μ^2 )/((1+μ)^2 )))−μg((l/(1+μ)))=(v^2 /2)  (g/(2l))l^2 (((1+2μ)/(1+μ)))−μg((l/(1+μ)))=(v^2 /2)  ((gl(((1+2μ)/(1+μ)))−2μg((l/(1+μ)))=v^2 )/)  ((gl+2μgl−2μgl)/(1+μ))=v^2   v=(√((gl)/(1+μ)))  pls check...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Jul/18

Thank you Tanmay Sir; but mrW  sir has solved it beautifully.


Commented by last updated on 24/Jul/18

yes you are right...ihave reached destination  but along the long path...


Commented by last updated on 24/Jul/18

i have put the value of y_0  early...MWr_3  put the  value in the final stage and i have calculated  mass of chain by (m/(l )) factor so in calculation  it takes time...but he put simply ρ=(m/l)  again put the value of ρ in final stage...


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 24/Jul/18

length of hanging part=y  ρ=(m/l)  y_0 ρg=μ(l−y_0 )ρg  ⇒y_0 =(μ/(1+μ)) l  yρg−μ(l−y)ρg=ma=lρ v(dv/dy)  y−μ(l−y)=(l/g) v(dv/dy)  ∫_y_0  ^l [(1+μ)y−μl]dy=(l/g) ∫_0 ^v vdv  [(1+μ)(y^2 /2)−μly]_y_0  ^l =(l/g) (v^2 /2)  (1/2)(1+μ)(l^2 −y_0 ^2 )−μl(l−y_0 )=(l/g) (v^2 /2)  [(1+μ)(l+y_0 )−2μl](l−y_0 )=(l/g) v^2   [(1+μ)(1+(μ/(1+μ)))−2μ](1−(μ/(1+μ)))lg=v^2   ((lg)/(1+μ))=v^2   ⇒v=(√((lg)/(1+μ)))


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 24/Jul/18

Thanks for checking!


Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Jul/18

I apologise Sir; its indeed correct.  Thanks!


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 24/Jul/18

if μ=0 we get v=(√(lg)), and this is right,  since v=(√(2gh))=(√(2g×(l/2)))=(√(gl))


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