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Question Number 40732 by Tinkutara last updated on 26/Jul/18

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 26/Jul/18

Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 26/Jul/18

Please help in comparing energy of C2 initially and finally.

Answered by ajfour last updated on 27/Jul/18

Before dielectric is inserted  C_(eq) =((C_1 C_2 )/(C_1 +C_2 ))  q_1 =q_2 =C_(eq) V_b      (V_b  being emf of B)      =((C_1 C_2 V_b )/(C_1 +C_2 ))  V_1 =(q_1 /C_1 ) =((C_2 V_b )/(C_1 +C_2 )) ;  V_2 =((C_1 V_b )/(C_1 +C_2 ))  U_1 =(q_1 ^2 /(2C_1 )) = (((C_1 C_2 )/(C_1 +C_2 )))^2 (V_b ^(  2) /(2C_1 ))      = ((C_1 C_2 ^( 2) V_b ^(  2) )/(2(C_1 +C_2 )^2 ))  U_2 =(q_2 ^2 /(2C_2 )) = ((C_1 ^( 2) C_2 ^  V_b ^(  2) )/(2(C_1 +C_2 )^2 ))  let dielectric constant of slab be K.  After it is slipped in  C_2 ′=KC_2   C_(eq) ′=((KC_1 C_2 )/(C_1 +KC_2 )) > ((C_1 C_2 )/(C_1 +C_2 ))  q_1 ′=q_2 ′=C_(eq) ′ V_b =((KC_1 C_2 V_b )/(C_1 +KC_2 )) > q_1 (=q_2 )  V_1 ′=((q_1 ′)/C_1 ) =((KC_2 V_b )/(C_1 +KC_2 )) > V_1   V_2 ′=((q_2 ′)/(KC_2 ))=((C_1 V_b )/(C_1 +KC_2 )) < V_2   U_1 ′=(((q_1 ′)^2 )/(2C_1 ))=(1/(2C_1 ))(((KC_1 C_2 V_b )/(C_1 +KC_2 )))^2  > U_1   U_2 ′=(((q_2 ′)^2 )/(2KC_2 ))=(1/(2KC_2 ))(((KC_1 C_2 V_b )/(C_1 +KC_2 )))^2         ((U_2 ′)/U_2 )=(((1/(2KC_2 ))(((KC_1 C_2 V_b )/(C_1 +KC_2 )))^2 )/((C_1 ^( 2) C_2 ^  V_b ^(  2) )/(2(C_1 +C_2 )^2 )))       =((K(C_1 +C_2 )^2 )/((C_1 +KC_2 )^2 )) = K[((1+(C_1 /C_2 ))/((C_1 /C_2 )+K))]^2      = K(((1+r)/(K+r)))^2    where r=(C_1 /C_2 )    So i believe it depends on r &K.


Commented by Tinkutara last updated on 27/Jul/18

Thanks Sir! I also believe it should be.

Commented by last updated on 28/Jul/18



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