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Question Number 40787 by rahul 19 last updated on 27/Jul/18

Let I_1 = ∫_(π/6) ^(π/3) ((sin x)/x) dx  ,  I_2 = ∫_(π/6) ^(π/3) ((sin (sin x))/(sin x))dx  , I_3 = ∫_(π/6) ^(π/3) ((sin (tan x))/(tan x))dx.   Prove that I_2  > I_1  > I_3  .

LetI1=π6π3sinxxdx,I2=π6π3sin(sinx)sinxdx ,I3=π6π3sin(tanx)tanxdx. ProvethatI2>I1>I3.

Commented last updated on 27/Jul/18

f(x)=((sinx)/x)   g(x)=((sin(sinx))/(sinx))   h(x)=((sin(tanx))/(tanx))  to prove I_2 >I_1 >I_3   we have to prove   g(x)>f(x)>h(x)   when   (Π/3)>x>(Π/6)  takining the help of graph i am trying to  establish...later by mathematically

f(x)=sinxxg(x)=sin(sinx)sinxh(x)=sin(tanx)tanx toproveI2>I1>I3 wehavetoprove g(x)>f(x)>h(x)whenΠ3>x>Π6 takiningthehelpofgraphiamtryingto establish...laterbymathematically

Commented last updated on 27/Jul/18

Commented last updated on 28/Jul/18

 i am attaching some thing refreshing...


Commented last updated on 28/Jul/18

Answered by MJS last updated on 27/Jul/18

the integrals represent the areas between  the functions and the x−axis.  so all we have to show is  u((sin sin x)/(sin x))≥((sin x)/x)≤((sin tan x)/(tan x)) ∀x∈[(π/6); (π/3)]  for x=(π/6) we get  2sin (1/2)≥(3/π)≥(√3)sin ((√3)/3)  .958...≥.954...≥.945...  for x=(π/3) we get  ((2(√3))/3)sin ((√3)/2)≥((3(√3))/(2π))≥((√3)/3)sin (√3)  .87...≥.82...≥.56...    we have to show that the functions are  falling within the given interval (they don′t  have any ♮jumpsε or ♮holesε)  x∈[(π/6); (π/3)] ⇒       ⇒ sin x ∈[(1/2); ((√3)/2)] ⇒ sin sin x  is increasing       ⇒ tan x ∈[((√3)/3); (√3)] ⇒ sin tan x  is increasing  both without any salience  the denominators x, sin x and tan x have no  zeros in the given intervall  ⇒ try to find the amount of increasement  in the interval  (∫f′(x)dx=f(x))  [((sin sin x)/(sin x))]_(π/6) ^(π/3) ≈−.079  [((sin x)/x)]_(π/6) ^(π/3) ≈−.128  [((sin tan x)/(tan x))]_(π/6) ^(π/3) ≈−.376  so those who start at a lower value loose  more along the way ⇒ this should be proven    or simply plot them ;−)

theintegralsrepresenttheareasbetween thefunctionsandthexaxis. soallwehavetoshowis usinsinxsinxsinxxsintanxtanxx[π6;π3] forx=π6weget 2sin123π3sin33 .958....954....945... forx=π3weget 233sin32332π33sin3 .87....82....56... wehavetoshowthatthefunctionsare fallingwithinthegiveninterval(theydont haveanyjumpsεorholesε) x[π6;π3] sinx[12;32]sinsinxisincreasing tanx[33;3]sintanxisincreasing bothwithoutanysalience thedenominatorsx,sinxandtanxhaveno zerosinthegivenintervall trytofindtheamountofincreasement intheinterval (f(x)dx=f(x)) [sinsinxsinx]π6π3.079 [sinxx]π6π3.128 [sintanxtanx]π6π3.376 sothosewhostartatalowervalueloose morealongthewaythisshouldbeproven orsimplyplotthem;)

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