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Question Number 41324 by ajfour last updated on 05/Aug/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 05/Aug/18

How to construct the dotted blue  circle  passing through A and  tangent to the shown line such  that the red line is horizontal.  (construction methods only please).


Commented by MJS last updated on 06/Aug/18

A= ((0),(R) )  M= (((r−1)),(y) )  B= (((2r−1)),(y) )  ∣OB∣^2 −R^2 =0  ∣MA∣^2 −r^2 =0  (2r−1)^2 +y^2 −R^2 =0 ⇒ y^2 =−4r^2 +4r+R^2 −1  (r−1)^2 +(y−R)^2 −r^2 =0 ⇒ y^2 =2r+2Ry−R^2 −1  −4r^2 +4r+R^2 −1=2r+2Ry−R^2 −1  y=((−2r^2 +r+R^2 )/R)  (((−2r^2 +r+R^2 )/R))^2 =−4r^2 +4r+R^2 −1  r^4 −r^3 +(1/4)r^2 −(R^2 /2)r+(R^2 /4)=0  (r−(1/2))(r^3 −(1/2)r^2 −(R^2 /2))=0       (r=(1/2) ⇒ y=R; M= (((−(1/2))),(R) )  B=A)  r^3 −(1/2)r^2 −(R^2 /2)=0  r=z+(1/6)  z^3 −(1/(12))z−((R^2 /2)+(1/(108)))=0  z=(1/6)(((54R^2 +1+(√(81R^2 +3))))^(1/3) +((54R^2 +1−(√(81R^2 +3))))^(1/3) )  r=(1/6)(1+((54R^2 +1+(√(81R^2 +3))))^(1/3) +((54R^2 +1−(√(81R^2 +3))))^(1/3) )  I don′t think we can construct this...  interestingly r∈Q for some values of R∈Q  found it by trying R∈N  (R/r)=  ={(0/(1/2)), (1/(1/1)), (5/(5/2)), (15/((15)/3)), (34/((34)/4)), (65/((65)/5)), ...}  this leads to  R=(1/2)n^3 −(3/2)n^2 +2n−1  r=(1/2)n^2 −n+1  y=(1/2)n^3 −(3/2)n+n  ⇒ n∈Q ⇒ R, r, y ∈Q


Answered by last updated on 06/Aug/18

1)first draw big circle centre(0,0) and radius R   assuming R=any value  2)draw line x+1=0  let red line (y=d)cut x+1=0 at point B(−1,d)  3)pointA(0,R)  4)now let red line is y=d  let red line cut yaxis at point C(0,d)  let small circle cut big circle at points A and D  A(0,R)and C(0,d)  solve y=d and x^2 +y^2 =R^2   x=(√(R^2 −d^2 ))  so point D((√(R^2 −d^(2 ) ))  ,d)  now we have to find value of d  let the length of red line is =1+(√(R^2 −d^2 ))    CD^2 =AC.CA_1   point A_1 diametrically opposite of A    so  CD^2 =(R−d)(R+d)    AB^2 +AD^2 =BD^2   A(0,R)  B(−1,d) and D((√(R^2 −d^2 ))  ,d)  1^2 +(R−d)^2 +R^2 −d^2 +(R−d)^2 ={1+(√(R^2 −d^2 ))}^2   1+2(R−d)^2 +R^2 −d^2  =1+2(√(R^2 −d^2 ))   +R^2 −d^2   (R−d)^2 =(√(R^2 −d^2 ))   from this eqn we get value  of d in in terms of R  then draw red line y=d  that is diameter of  smallcircle   then we draw small circle  ...pls check...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Aug/18

Thank you both, Tanmay Sir &  MjS Sir. I thought we can  construct; may be.


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