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Question Number 41606 by psyche-ace last updated on 10/Aug/18

4x^4 +16x^3 +24x^2 −9x−1=0  using any method. find  real value of  x  that satisfy the polynomial


Answered by MJS last updated on 10/Aug/18

f(x)=x^4 +4x^3 +6x^2 −(9/4)x−(1/4)=0  f′(x)=4x^3 +12x^2 +12x−(9/4)  x^3 +3x^2 +3x−(9/(16))=0  x=t−1  t^3 −((25)/(16))=0 ⇒ t=(((100))^(1/3) /4) ⇒ x=((−4+((100))^(1/3) )/4)  f′(x) has got only 1 real root ⇒ f(x) has 0 or 2 real roots  f′′(x)=12x^2 +24x+12  f(((−4+((100))^(1/3) )/4))=(5/(64))(64−15((100))^(1/3) )≈−.44  f′′(((−4+((100))^(1/3) )/4))=((15((10))^(1/3) )/2)>0 ⇒ f(x) has 2 real roots    let  f(x)=(x−a−(√b))(x−a+(√b))(x−c−(√d)i)(x−c+(√d)i)  ⇒  a+c+2=0  a^2 +4ac−b+c^2 +d−6=0  8a^2 c+8ac^2 +8ad−8bc−9=0  a^2 c^2 +a^2 d−bc^2 −bd+(1/4)=0    a=−c−2  −b−2c^2 −4c+d−2=0  −8bc+16c^2 −8cd+32c−16d−9=0  −bc^2 −bd+c^4 +4c^3 +c^2 d+4c^2 +4cd+4d+(1/4)=0    a=−c−2  b=−2c^2 −4c+d−2  16c^3 +48c^2 −16cd+48c−16d−9=0  3c^4 +8c^3 +2c^2 d+6c^2 +8cd−d^2 +6d+(1/4)=0    a=−c−2  b=−2c^2 −4c+d−2  d=((16c^3 +48c^2 +48c−9)/(16(c+1)))  4c^4 +16c^3 +24c^2 +16c−1−((625)/(256(c+1)^2 ))=0    c^6 +6c^5 +15c^4 +20c^3 +((55)/4)c^2 +(7/2)c−((881)/(1024))=0  c=t−1  t^6 −(5/4)t^2 −((625)/(1024))=0  t=(√z)  z^3 −(5/4)z−((625)/(1024))=0  z=(1/(48))(((30(1125+(√(282585))))^(1/3) +((30(1125−(√(282585))))^(1/3) )≈  ≈1.30994  t≈1.14453  c≈.144525  a=−2.14453  b=−2.67513  d=−.055256  a±(√b)=−2.14453±1.63558i  c+(√d)i=−.0905405  c−(√d)i=.379591


Commented by MJS last updated on 10/Aug/18

to eliminate the bx^(n−1)  you can always set  x=t−(b/n) if the constant factor if ax^n  is equal  to 1 (a=1)  examples:  3x^2 +4x−5=0  x^2 +(4/3)x−(5/3)=0  x=t−(2/3)  (t−(2/3))^2 +(4/3)(t−(2/3))−(5/3)=0  t^2 −((19)/9)=0  (which in this case is the same as the usual  formula x=−(p/2)±(√((p^2 /4)−q))    4x^3 −5x^2 +3x−2=0  x^3 −(5/4)x^2 +(3/4)x−(1/2)=0  x=t+(5/(12))  (t+(5/(12)))^3 −(5/4)(t+(5/(12)))^2 +(3/4)(t+(5/(12)))−(1/2)=0  t^3 +((11)/(48))t−((287)/(864))=0  (which in this case leads to Cardano′s formula  or in case of 3 real solutions to the trigonometric  method)    in case of a 4^(th) −degree polynome with 2 real  and 2 complex roots my method leads to a  polynome of 6^(th)  degree which can be reduced  to one of 3^(rd)  degree...  will post an example later


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Aug/18

Sir how can we know that  x = t − 1


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Aug/18

wow, please send it sir. God bless you sir


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Aug/18

Am still expecting the other method and examples sir. God bless you


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Aug/18

i will love to see the formulars sir


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 11/Aug/18

Sir MJS am still expecting sir


Answered by last updated on 10/Aug/18

4x^2 (x^2 +4x+4)+8x^2 −9x−1=0  {(2x)(x+2)}^2 +9x^2 −6x+1−x^2 −3x−2=0  {(2x)(x+2)}^2 +(3x−1)^2 −(x^2 +3x+2)=0  {(2x)(x+2)}^2 +(3x−1)^2 −{x^2 +2.x.(3/2)+(9/4)+2−(9/4)}=0  {(2x)(x+2)}^2 +(3x−1)^2 −{(x+(3/2))^2 −(1/4)}=0  [{(2x)(x+2)}^2 +(3x−1)^2 +(1/4)]−[(x+(3/2))^2 ]=0  now i want to say some thing  the value of   [{(2x)(x+2)}^2 +(3x−1)^2 +(1/4)] is +ve and say its  value is p  now the value of [(x+(3/2))^2 ] is also positve and  say value is q  now the eqn is p−q=0  that imply the value of p should be equal to q to  make the equation true  but {(2x)(x+2)}^2 >[(x+(3/2))^2 ]  so to me p can not be equal to q to make  the equation true..  to me p>>q  so i think this equation is not feasible...


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 10/Aug/18

God bless you sir


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