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Question Number 42305 by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 22/Aug/18

let f(x) = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((cos(xt))/((t−i)^2 )) dt  1) let R =Re(f(x)) and I =Im(f(x)) extract R and I  2) calculate R and I  3) conclude the value of f(x)  4) calculate ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((cos(2t))/((t−i)^2 ))dt  5) let u_n = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((cos((t/n)))/((t−i)^2 ))dt    (n natral integer not o)  find lim_(n→+∞) u_n     and  study the convergence of Σu_n


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 22/Aug/18

i^2  =−1


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 23/Aug/18

1) we have f(x) = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((cos(xt)(t+i)^2 )/((t−i)^2 (t+i)^2 ))dt =∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (((t^2  +2it −1)cos(xt))/((t^2  +1)^2 ))dt  = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (((t^2 −1)cos(xt))/((t^2  +1)^2 )) dt +i ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    ((2t cos(xt))/((t^2  +1)^2 ))dt ⇒  Re(f(x)) = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)    (((t^2 −1)cos(xt))/((t^2  +1)^2 ))dt  and Im (f(x)) = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ((2t cos(xt))/((t^2  +1)^2 )) dt(=0)


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 23/Aug/18

2) let caoculate R   =Re( ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   (((x^2 −1)e^(ixt) )/((x^2  +1)^2 ))dt) let consider the complex  function ϕ(z) =(((z^2 −1)e^(ixz) )/((z^2  +1)^2 )) we have ϕ(z) =(((z^2 −1)e^(ixz) )/((z−i)^2 (z+i)^2 ))(   iand −i double poles)  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)  ϕ(z)dz =2iπ Res(ϕ,i) but Res(ϕ,i) =lim_(z→i)   (1/((2−1)!)){(z−i)^2 ϕ(z)}^((1))   =lim_(z→i)  { (((z^2 −1)e^(ixz) )/((z+i)^2 ))}^((1))  =lim_(z→i)  (((2z  +ix(z^2 −1))e^(ixz) (z+i)^2  −2(z+i)(z^2 −1)e^(ixz) )/((z+i)^4 ))  =lim_(z→i)    (((2z +ixz^2 −ix)e^(ixz) (z+i)−2(z^2 −1)e^(ixz) )/((z+i)^3 ))  = (((2i−ix −ix)e^(−x) (2i)  +4 e^(−x) )/((2i)^3 )) =((2i(2i−2ix)e^(−x)  +4 e^(−x) )/(−8i))  =((−4(1−x)e^(−x)  +4e^(−x) )/(−8i)) = ((4x e^(−x) )/(−8i)) =−(x/(2i)) e^(−x)  ⇒∫_(−∞) ^(+∞) ϕ(z)dz =2iπ(−(x/(2i))e^(−x) )  = −πx e^(−x)   ⇒ R  =−π x e^(−x)     also  I =Im(f(x))=0


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 23/Aug/18

3) we have f(x) =Re(f(x)) +i Im(f(x)) ⇒ f(x)=−πx e^(−x)   .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 23/Aug/18

4)  ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((cos(2t))/((t−i)^2 )) dt  =f(2) = −2π e^(−2)    =((−2π)/e^2 )  .


Commented by maxmathsup by imad last updated on 23/Aug/18

5) we have u_n = ∫_(−∞) ^(+∞)   ((cos((t/n)))/((t−i)^2 ))dt  =f((1/n)) =−(π/n) e^(−(1/n))    ⇒ lim_(n→+∞) u_n =0  and Σ_(n=1) ^∞  u_n =−Σ_(n=1) ^∞  (π/n) e^(−(1/n))      but   e^u   =1+u +o(u^2 )(u→0) ⇒  e^(−(1/n))   =1−(1/n) +o((1/n^2 )) ⇒(π/n) e^(−(1/n))    =(π/n) −(π/n^2 ) +o((1/n)) but  Σ (π/n) diverges  Σ (π/n^2 ) converges ⇒ Σ u_n   diverges .


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