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Question Number 42340 by ajfour last updated on 23/Aug/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 23/Aug/18

Find r in terms of R and a.


Commented by MJS last updated on 24/Aug/18

sorry I′m on holidays and don′t have internet  all the time...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Aug/18

no problem sir . enjoy !


Answered by ajfour last updated on 25/Aug/18

eq. of parabola    y=(x^2 /(4a))  eq. of  smaller circle                  x^2 +(y−2R+r)^2 =r^2   the small circle and parabola  have only one common value  of x^2 ; hence               x^2 +((x^2 /(4a))−2R+r)^2 =r^2    let x^2 =t  ; then    (t^2 /(16a^2 ))+[1−((2(2R−r))/(4a))]t +2R(2R−2r)=0  for just one value of t  ⇒ (([4a−2(2R−r)]^2 )/(16a^2 )) = ((8R(2R−2r))/(16a^2 ))  ⇒  4a^2 +(2R−r)^2 −4a(2R−r)                                    = 4R^2 −4rR  ⇒ r^2 +4ar+4a^2 −8aR  =0  ⇒   r =−2a+(√(4a^2 −4a^2 +8aR))  ⇒   r = (√(8aR))−2a       for  r=R         R^2 +4a^2 +4aR = 8aR  ⇒      R= 2a .


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 25/Aug/18

Do you have your own textbook sir ???.   Expecially all those your  diagrams. I will love to learn them sir.   God bless you sir.  You, sir tammy and sir mrW3  are genius.  Keep the good work going sir.  God bless you sir.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Aug/18

self created questions  pertains to mixture of topics  including application of deriatives,  coordinate geometry, quadratic,  geometry, and like..


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 25/Aug/18

Sir the drawings are what topic


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 25/Aug/18

Wow !. That is great ...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Aug/18

you can save my questions from  this tinkutara forum (topic-geometry  or coordinate geometry).


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 25/Aug/18

My phone is format, i will start saving from today.  And if you can share  me some past. i would appreciate it sir


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 25/Aug/18

C(0,R)  I(0,h)  B(u,v)  eqn. of parabola:  y=(x^2 /(4a))  ⇒(dy/dx)=(x/(2a))  eqn. of small circle:  x^2 +(y−h)^2 =r^2   ⇒2x+2(y−h)(dy/dx)=0  ⇒2u+2(v−h)(u/(2a))=0  ⇒v=h−2a  v=(u^2 /(4a))⇒u^2 =4a(h−2a)  h+r=2R⇒h=2R−r  u^2 +(v−h)^2 =r^2   ⇒4a(h−2a)+(h−2a−h)^2 =r^2   ⇒4ah−4a^2 =r^2   ⇒4a(2R−r)−4a^2 =r^2   ⇒8aR−4ar−4a^2 =r^2   ⇒r^2 +4ar−4a(2R−a)=0  ⇒r=((−4a+(√(16a^2 +4×4a(2R−a))))/2)  ⇒r=2((√(2aR))−a)    such that r=R,  r=2((√(2aR))−a)=R  2(√(2aR))=R+2a  (2a−R)^2 =0  ⇒a=(R/2)


Commented by ajfour last updated on 25/Aug/18

thank you Sir, too good;


Commented by Tawa1 last updated on 24/Aug/18

God bless you sir.   Sir which topic can i learn diagrams like sir Ajfour always sent


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