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Question Number 42446 by ajfour last updated on 25/Aug/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 26/Aug/18

Find maximum r in terms of  a and R.


Answered by last updated on 26/Aug/18

solve x^2 +(y−R)^2 =R^2    and y=ax^2   x^2 +y^2 −2yR=0  x^2 +a^2 x^4 −2ax^2 R=0  x^2 (1+a^2 x^2 −2aR)=0  a^2 x^2 =2aR−1  x=((±(√(2aR−1)) )/a)  y=ax^2 =a(((2aR−1)/a^2 ))=((2aR−1)/a)  point of intersection are  (((√(2aR−1))/a),((2aR−1)/a)) and(((−(√(2aR−1)))/a),((2aR−1)/a))  considering+ve side  now area between y=ax^2  and x^2 +y^2 −2yR=0  and yaxis say=A  remaining area between   parabola and circle=B  so 2A+2B=ΠR^2   B=((ΠR^2 )/2)−A  now area B=Πr^2 +remaining area symetrical   w.r.t Πr^2   B=Πr^2 +2S  to maximize B  contd


Answered by MJS last updated on 27/Aug/18

tangents parallel but not of interest  normals in tangential points must be the same  distance between these points = 2r    y=ax^2   T_p = ((p),((ap^2 )) )  n_p : y=kx+d       k=−(1/(y′))=−(1/(2ap))    d=((2a^2 p^2 +1)/(2a))  n_p : −(1/(2ap))x+((2a^2 p^2 +1)/(2a))    y=R−(√(R^2 −x^2 ))  T_c = ((q),((R−(√(R^2 −q^2 )))) )  n_c : y=kx+d       k=−(1/(y′))=−((√(R^2 −q^2 ))/q)     d=R  n_c : y=−((√(R^2 −q^2 ))/q)x+R    n_p =n_c   (1)     −(1/(2ap))=−((√(R^2 −q^2 ))/q)  (2)     ((2a^2 p^2 +1)/(2a))=R  ⇒ p=−((√(2(2aR−1)))/(2a)) ∧ q=−R(√((2(2aR−1))/(4aR−1)))  T_p = (((−((√(2(2aR−1)))/(2a)))),(((2ar−1)/(2a))) )     T_c = (((−R(√((2(2aR−1))/(4aR−1))))),((R(((−1+(√(4aR−1)))/(√(4aR−1)))))) )  r=((∣T_p T_c ∣)/2)=((√(aR(aR+1−(1/(4aR))−(√(4aR−1)))))/(2a))    please check, if the idea is ok...


Commented by ajfour last updated on 27/Aug/18

No sir, i had commited some error;  i have not been able to solve it yet..


Commented by MJS last updated on 27/Aug/18

ok I′ll check mine...


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