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Question Number 42624 by ajfour last updated on 29/Aug/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 29/Aug/18

The smaller circle has radius r.  The two parabolas are reflection  of one another in x-axis.  Equation of upper parabola is   y=ax^2 +r . Find radius R of   larger circle in terms of a, r .


Commented by MJS last updated on 02/Sep/18

parabola^+ =P^+ : y=ax^2 +r  red circle^+ =C^+ : y=(√(R^2 −(x−(R+r))^2 ))    1. attempt  P^+ ∩C^+  must have exactly one real solution  2. attempt  tangent of P^+  = tangent of C^+   3. attempt  normal of P^+  = normal of C^+  must intersect  x−axis at x=R+r    all of these lead to polynomes of 3^(rd)  or 4^(th)  degree  which we cannot solve generally (too many  parameters)    so I tried something different:  given are the circles  C_1 : x^2 +y^2 =1  C_2 : (x−(r+1))^2 +y^2 =r^2   find the parabola P: y=ax^2 +1 touching C_2   in exactly one point ⇔ P and C_2  have a common  tangent in T= ((t),((at^2 +1)) )= ((t),((√(r^2 −(t−(r+1))^2 ))) )  this also leads to a polynome of 4^(th)  degree  which can be generally solved; the “usual”  complicated solution using  (t−α−(√β))(t−α+(√β))(t−γ−(√δ)i)(t−γ+(√δ)i)=0  with only one of the real pair α±(√β) solving  the original unsquared equation  we can approximately solve for t with any  given r and then easily get a.  r>1 ⇔ a>0  r=1 ⇔ a=0 (P degenerates into the line y=1)  r<1 ⇔ a<0  interestingly this has got at least one solution  with r, t, a ∈Q: r=(5/(27)) t=(4/3) a=−(1/2)  will post later


Answered by ajfour last updated on 03/Sep/18

eq. of parabola      y = ax^2 +r   P(x_1 , y_1 )  eq. of larger circle  (R+r−x)^2 +y^2 = R^2   distance of P from centre of  larger circle is R  ⇒ R^2 =(R+r−x)^2 +(ax^2 +r)^2   2R((dR/dx))=2(R+r−x)((dR/dx)−1)+                                2(ax^2 +r)(2ax)  As R is minimum,  (dR/dx) must be zero:  ⇒ R+r−x = 2ax(ax^2 +r)  ⇒  x = f(R)  ⇒  R^2 =[R+r−f(R)]^2 +{a[f(R)]^2 +r}^2   R is then obtained from above eq.  ________________________


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