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Question Number 43023 by ajfour last updated on 06/Sep/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 06/Sep/18

Find location of centre(0,h) and  radius R of circle such that  all four bounded areas   OAD^(⌢)  , APB^(⌢) A , ABC^(⌢) DA^(⌢)  , & CQD^(⌢) C   are equal.  Determine R, h in terms of 𝛉 .


Answered by MrW3 last updated on 07/Sep/18

Commented by MrW3 last updated on 07/Sep/18

R sin γ=h sin θ  ⇒sin γ=(h/R) sin θ  with λ=(h/R)  ⇒γ=sin^(−1) (λ sin θ)  α=γ−θ  β=γ+θ    Δ_(OMD) =(h/2)×R sin α  Δ_(OMC) =(h/2)×R sin β  A_(OAD) =2×(h/2)×R sin α−αR^2 =((πR^2 )/3)  ⇒(h/R) sin α−α=(π/3)  ⇒λ sin [sin^(−1) (λ sin θ)−θ]−[sin^(−1) (λ sin θ)−θ]=(π/3)   ...(i)    A_(OBC) =2×(h/2)×R sin β+βR^2 =((2πR^2 )/3)  ⇒(h/R) sin β+β=((2π)/3)  ⇒λ sin [sin^(−1) (λ sin θ)+θ]+[sin^(−1) (λ sin θ)+θ]=((2π)/3)   ...(ii)    from (i) and (ii) we get λ and θ.    I found a solution:  λ=(h/R)≈5.763  θ≈2.64°


Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Sep/18

Very Nice Sir, half the task is  done. Rene Descartes said, ′Give  names to all the lines′ (in Geometry).


Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Sep/18

Wonderful & Beautiful Sir.  (I had suspected what i had asked  to determine, i see it clearer now)!  So θ accepts just one value, under  the imposed means.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 07/Sep/18

thank you sir for this nice question.


Commented by MrW3 last updated on 07/Sep/18

for a moment I was unsure if such a  configuration is possible at all. now  I know there is one and only one solution.


Commented by ajfour last updated on 07/Sep/18

A Very wise and practical solution  too, Sir.


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